MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) sharply condemned Interior Security - TopicsExpress


MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) sharply condemned Interior Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beytenu) on Wednesday, accusing him of covering up the terrorist murder of Jewish construction worker Netanel Arami hyd. Theres a long chain of events here, in which the system, the police, and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) are trying to cover up the murder of Jews by Arabs for different reasons, Feiglin told Galei Yisrael radio. Speaking about the death of Arami, who police on Tuesday admitted likely fell 11 stories to his death while rapelling from a Petah Tikva building two weeks ago because both of his ropes were cut by an Arab co-worker, Feiglin said this was a murder no less shocking than the head chopping by the Islamic State (ISIS). According to Feiglin, there is no fundamental difference between Aramis murder and the abduction and murder of the three Israeli teens in June, which eventually led to Operation Protective Edge. So who needs all of this on their heads now? Feiglin said in a jab at the security services. Now there will be protests, now well need to check all of the policy of employing Arab workers again...lets cover it up, lets pass the ball along to someone else. The MK emphasized that the responsibility for the situation rests squarely on the shoulders of Aharonovich, who should have been sacked long ago. Every Israeli needs to ask themselves how they feel in terms of interior security, certainly in the mixed (Jewish and Arab) areas, and to understand that the one who stands at the top of this pyramid should have been sacked long ago, stated Feiglin. Feiglin added that if it were a case of price tag vandalism against Arab residents, as nationalist Jewish grafitti and other attacks on property are referred to, Aharonovich would have rushed to condemn the acts, as he indeed has in the past by calling the acts terrorism, a term he has yet to use for Aramis murder. When someone is suspected of writing price tag in Hebrew the feeble minister of interior security runs and says complete Jewish communities in Israel need to be wiped out, said Feiglin. Imagine if he said that now about the community the Arab workers who murdered (Arami) came from. Police on Wednesday announced dramatic developments in the investigation of Aramis murder. The announcement for some brought to mind similar police statements in the murder of Shelly Dadon hyd, who was only recognized as a terror victim over two-and-a-half months after an Arab taxi driver savagely stabbed her to death.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:21:19 +0000

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