MMD Favourite to Win Vubwi MMD president Dr Nevers Mumba has - TopicsExpress


MMD Favourite to Win Vubwi MMD president Dr Nevers Mumba has praised the people of Eastern Province for been consistent in supporting the former ruling party by electing credible Members of Parliament. He says the people of Eastern Province should continue to guide the country by voting for the opposition MMD so that they make checks and balances to the current government as MMD waits to be re-elected in 2016. Speaking when he addressed hundreds of Vubwi voters in Chigwe area to drum up support for MMD candidate Eustarckio Kazonga who according to early indication is poised to return his seat, Dr Mumba urged the gathering that began arriving as early as 10 in the morning that there was no need to vote for the ruling party which had brought misery to everyone through high mealie-meal, fuel and fertilizer prices. He further said that the people of Vubwi should vote for Mr Kazonga because his one of the best Agriculture Ministers the country has ever had as he understands Agriculture very well. And Mr Kazonga who knelt down to ask for votes from the gathering went through the developmental projects he brought like Clinics, Schools, a shed and an ultra-modern traditional court. He asked the voters to let him finish his term, as only two years were left. Meanwhile, M’kaika, Chipata and Milanzi Members of Parliament Peter Phiri, Mtolo Phiri and Whiteson Phiri respectively urged the people of Vubwi to vote for Mr Kazonga as he had shown that he was hard working and experienced. The meeting attracted close to three hundred people and was attended by some headmen and members of the MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) among others. zambiareports/2014/09/03/mmd-favourite-win-vubwi/
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:09:49 +0000

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