MMD proposes referendum on Barotseland Agreement The opposition - TopicsExpress


MMD proposes referendum on Barotseland Agreement The opposition MMD has proposed that the country holds a Referendum for Western Province on the issue of the Barotseland Agreement. MMD president Nevers Mumba says this is because all other options of resolving this issue have failed. Dr. Mumba has told Qfm News in a statement he thinks that the issue of the Barotseland Agreement has eluded all post-independence Presidents because of the fears and implications of dealing with it in a conclusive manner. Nevers Mumba He says it is however still a source of instability for many years to come and the use of force and the gun to maintain the status quo is a sign of weakness of leadership. The MMD president says the country now has a great opportunity to give the people of Western Province a direct voice in this matter. He has on the other hand noted that to offer a referendum does not mean that his party is agreeing to secession. The opposition leader states that to the contrary, the MMD is agreeing to resolve the matter in the most democratic and civilized manner. He has since assured the nation that after being elected, his MMD government will to immediately call all the parties that were involved in the agreement from the beginning to the dialogue table and look at all options including that of a referendum. Editors note:In Rupiahs term Mumba held a meeting where clearly stated that zambia shall remain as one so what has changedd today?we know that at some point the issue can be at that point but that needs much consultation with Barotse Authority and the peoplem.we advise Mumba not to waste his time on this isssue because he is on of the hardcores who wouldnt love to see Independence of Barotseland just as stated above. There isnt secession cause it has never been a province of Zambia but a teritory which signed International treaty BA64 which was unilateral abrogated by Zambia.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:35:15 +0000

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