MMUST: COMRADES!! Following your growing concrn and bitternes - TopicsExpress


MMUST: COMRADES!! Following your growing concrn and bitternes 2words the delay in the advertisement of the 12th August 2013 opening date.Hv takn a personal initiatv 2 facts find on the same evn thou am stl far frm schl.After thorough consultations at PERSONAL LEVEL(NOT OFFICIAL LEVEL ) wth the relevant prsons nd authorities.The following are the realities on the ground. The 12th August 2013 stl remains the official opening date as decided by the last senate meeting but THE UNVRSTY MANAGEMENT is reluctant to advertise the date due to the following DILEMMA that they are in. 1.The management wants all COMRADES last academic year results to be ready by the vary date but most LECTURERS hav withheld the unprocessed results coz they hvnt been paid.This is the frst dilemma of the ADMIN. 2.There is a growing fear that failing to accommodate COMRADES from JAB on the vary date is likely to be “challenging”. I leav this at that for fear of being misquoted. 3.The ADMIN is keenly monitoring the looming lectures strike..Wht if it materialises and COMRADES report on the vary date? ALL IN ALL WE ARE PUTTING ALL EFFORTS IN PLACE TO ENSURE THAT THE OFFICIAL OPENING DATE IS ADVERTISED IN TIME.COMRADES CANNOT BE THE VICTIMS OF THE MESS IN THE ADMIN. THIS IS WHAT I MANAGD TO DO COMRADES BUT STL I HVNT STOPD THE "BARKING DOGS" FROM ATACKING ME.LET THEM DO
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:08:39 +0000

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