MNAGGAS!!! [AFRIKANS-ALMAUREKANS/MOORS ..SOVEREIGN & DIVINE]!!! THE EAGLE [AMERICA] IS BEING EATEN BY THE BEAR [RUSSIA] & DRAGON [CHINA]!!! LIFE AS YOUVE KNOWN IT D E A D!!! WE, MOORS, MUST ADJUST OUR STRATEGIES ACCORDINGLY ..YADIG?!!? DIG THIS: America was a giant of the 20th Century. The echo of its mighty roar will be heard for the next 50 years as the seeds of its economic power continue to grow in the markets around the world. Just as the East India Trading Company was the spear tip for the growth of the British Empire, so too was American industry and commercialism at the forefront of its expansion into regions and markets around the world. The hundreds of former US military installations will become symbols of the new multilateralism where the international community can build the science of the future. The gnostic dream of ultimate knowledge will be realized. The burning fires of knowledge corrupted by matter, which has been called Lucifer, will stand in stark contrast to the universal truth of Virgo Lucifera, uncorrupted knowledge. The symbols of this gnostic reality are everywhere and anywhere within the structure of our civilization. The keys to understanding the revelation of the method are handed to few. The doorway through which the modern alchemist reflects on his symbols and draws forth the power to create wealth is invisible to the profane. Man’s mightiest power is twisted into his greatest weakness. Through this weakness he seeks power. Symbols are created to represent this power. Power is given to the symbols. The symbols become a prison. Man is lost within the confines of his own prison. It drives him to madness. Madness is but a shallow grave upon on the shores of everyday thought. The human mind seeks symbols. It does so in an attempt to understand something abstractly which it cannot otherwise fully comprehend. Social engineers have tapped into this natural predilection and have created and used symbols as a powerful method of manufacturing trends and patterns within civilization. When we subconsciously observe the manufactured symbols of Russia and China which are being presented to us, we emotionally feel and think what they were designed to make us feel and think. And to experience. Russia and China offer a specific image. Both symbols in their complexity bring forth contradictory feelings of comfort and discomfort within the guilt stricken subconscious of the western mind. This is the intended purpose. So when we read that the G20 countries, led by Russia and China, are threatening the United States with aggressive measures in order to complete reforms to the International Monetary Fund, we can only conclude that this is intentional and injected into the mass consciousness for a specific reason. Sometimes I laugh about the American images which were presented to the masses when the dollar markets were still expanding. There was a boogeyman around every corner. Movies from the 1980’s where Russian’s were represented as evil and simple in their approaches to the human condition, were countered by the young and brave spirit of the American citizen. Whether they fought in the jungles of Vietnam or were thrown into Siberian labor camps only to fight for their freedom and escape, the American mind was transfixed by its own greatness and potential. Both of which were in fact no greater or less than any other people from any other country. youtube/watch?v=SdEx-jPSi5s&list=RDv66JsZDnBAM
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:33:17 +0000

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