MOAI CROWN STATE IS FOLLOWING WHAT UNITED STATES IS CONSIDERING HANGING FOR TREASON TO APPLY IN NEW ZEALAND UNDER MOAI CROWN KING WILLIAM IV BRITISH SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY. THE LAWYERS SECRET OATH Any Judge, Government Agent, or Bureaucrat Who Had Sworn to Uphold the Constitution for the United States Who is Violating that Oath is Guilty of Treason. The Penalty is still DEATH BY HANGING. APPLIES IN NEW ZEALAND AND PACIFIC ISLANDS IF YOUR NAME APPEARS IN THE MOAI CROWN FRAUD WANTED BOX! The Fraud LISTED BY MOAI CROWN IN THIS ORDER OF OFFENSES AGAINST THE ROTHSCHILD BANK, THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, AND THE BLACK POPE ADOLFO NICOLAS PACHON. 1/ The members of the Supreme Court, of course, realized what was happening to them and the system of law. The court was being asked to perform in a creditor, debtor bankrupt proceeding for the benefit of the bankster creditors. The members of the Supreme Court said, NO. We will not give you a bankrupt proceeding decision that you can then enforce against everybody, a decision not only affecting corporate Washington D.C. but also having effect within the corporate state governments. This, by the way is fraud. It wouldnt be fraud if the government of corporate Washington D.C. and the government of the several corporate states declared bankruptcy then let the people know about the bankruptcy. 2/ (Notice when I say corporate government I dont mean you and me. You and I are not the corporate government. The corporate government is the corporate capital of the corporate state. 3/ However, it is fraud when those two corporate entities declare bankruptcy but do not disclose to you, me, and every other American, that they have so declared bankruptcy. 4/ U.S. Inc. is Distinct and Separate 5/ From PRIVATE AMERICANS 6/ We the People who created and signed the contract/compact/agreement of, by, and for the Constitutional Corporation (U.S.); using the trade name of the United States of America 7/ THIS CASE IS NOT TO BE CITED IN ANY OTHER 8/ CASE AND IS NOT TO BE REPORTED IN ANY COURTS. 9/ The reason for this notation is that when we go in to defend ourselves or file a claim were not supporting the corporate bankruptcy administration and procedure. The arguments we put forth predate 1938. 10/ The Real Estate Snare 11/ How do they work this scheme in the area of real estate? These bankster creeps have made an agreement that it is corporate public policy, that all land (property) be pledged to the creditor to satisfy the debt of the bankruptcy, which the creditor claims under bankruptcy. 12/ If you dont pay your tax bill, and they contact you asking you to pay it and you dont pay it, they will declare you in default. It is based on that default as provided in the UCC that they sell your property for the tax (rent). 13/ And how did you (as an international banker) become creditor to me and everyone else in this country (American people). They dont want you to ask the real creditor (the International Banksters), to PRODUCE THE DOCUMENTS upon which your personal debt is established. If they were forced to go into court, they would have to produce the deed or mortgage showing you KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY, and VOLUNTARILY promised to pay the corporate public debt. You did not KNOWINGLY, WILLINGLY, and VOLUNTARILY promise to pay any U.S. Corporate Bankruptcy obligation made in the 1930s. This would, of course, expose their racket. The fact is, that, there was absolutely no debt connected to you until you agreed to it through their deception and fraud. 14/ YOUR SIGNATURE IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY? Did your government teachers ever tell you, that any time you sign any document, you should sign it without prejudice, or with All Rights Reserved above your signature. 15/ In my brothers case he was never in default as he never made the promise in the common law deed to pay taxes, therefore, the man who bought the property is moving against my brother through an attorney who is claiming that my brother never redeemed the property. His attorney had followed procedure by publishing the property tax notice in the newspaper for three printings. Now they show up in court to get the court to declare default. After a default judgment, the attorneys client then has right to the property. 16/ Now when my brother comes in and challenges the new buyer, the court rules that the new buyer is not required to produce any documents in support of his cause. The only documents they are required to produce are the documents related to procedure of foreclosure. Do you understand? There is no court case where the true creditor has to make an appearance. You cannot question or challenge the true creditor. 17/ When you do go to court, the person you are allowed to question is the person who bought the property. THe buyer is not required to produce documents because the only one who would be required to do so, is the true creditor. Now you are in the position of fighting yourself in court. This is a very clever way for the creditor to avoid the courts in order to settle the dispute for his claim against you. This is also very clever way to avoid naming the true claimant; true plaintiff. The true plaintiff is the international bankster. The international banksters claim they have a claim against my brothers property because my brothers property has been pledged by the state as collateral for the corporate debts under the bankruptcy to the international banksters. 18/ Once my brother removed his property from their jurisdiction and venue by claiming back all his rights, titles and interest, the only way that they would be able to stand a chance, would be for the original claimants (international banksters) to make an appearance through their attorney. Then, for my brother to require their attorney to place in the record, a statement, identifying the true nature and cause for their actions. The courts and the attorneys have cleverly avoided this process. 18/ The Cover-up 19/ There was a deal struck that, if any person who doesnt have a lawyer to bring a case before the courts, and this person proves the fraud, and speaks the truth about the fraud, the courts are compelled to not allow the case to be cited or published anywhere. The courts cannot afford to have the case freely available in the public archives. This would be evidence of the fraud. This is why you cant hire an attorney. An Attorney is compelled to uphold the fraud. 20/ For all cases cited, those in the U.S. Code or the state annotated code or any other source, you may be sure that they only selected those cases that support the public policy of bankruptcy. The legal system has to work that way. After the last 30-4-50 years of cases after cases having been decided based upon upholding the bankruptcy, how could the legal system possibly allow someone to come into court and put in the record substantial information and argument to prove the fraud? 21/ Any revenue collecting individual or agency such as the courts, judges, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and tax collectors who are attempting to take money from you as a private American must be registered as a foreign agent. If they are not duly registered and properly identified, they are involved in EXTORATION AND TREASON against private Americans. 22/ Since Sweet is listed on corporate state records as the debtor and the creditor on his own property, his property cant be put up in any way for collateral against any debts claimed by the banksters 23/ The property is encumbered by Sweets lien. Thereby, the property cannot be put up against any debt claims, until it is not encumbered by Sweets lien. Sweets property is not free and clear of all liens. The result is that for all practical purposes, the property is now Sweets, being unencumbered by any further demand for payment of taxes. Sweet has not paid property taxes for many years. Sweet is now his own creditor. And Sweet is his own debtor. Therefore, the International Banksters along with the county corporate thieves are knocked out for the stealing process. How sweet it is! Congratulations to Mr. Sweet! 24/ The only way this scheme can work is to have all the lawyers and judges pledge to uphold the corporate bankruptcy public policy. The banksters just cant allow lawyers in a legal system who refuse to uphold the bankruptcy policy. These renegade lawyers would have to be quickly weeded out. 25/ You said you wanted to be a lawyer so you can find out what oath theyre taking, in secret, behind closed doors in solemn preparation for the business of the court as judges and lawyers. Now, you know the oath. The oath is simply to uphold the bankruptcy. If you want to be a lawyer and want to make a living as a lawyer, I can tell you this, they will weed you out at the very beginning if you dont bring in your paperwork under the bankruptcy procedures. 26/ Regarding the UCC-1 Form, you can also file it against your car. Wouldnt that be a kick in the tail if you went into court for a traffic citation where you had signed without prejudice UCC 1-207. 27/ The corporate Banksters agents, clerks, lawyers, judges, etc. take the information out of the records as soon as you beat them at their own game. 28/ All this accounting system is not so the people will know what is going on. The accounting reports are for rthe Bankster creditors to keep tabs on just where their collections are coming from. The Banksters want to know if the bankruptcy debt payments are coming in and just how much and from what sources. This accounting if the purpose behind M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5. All this accounting is closely monitored. 29/ This system had to come into existence in order for the creditors to be on top of the bankruptcy at all times. This system allows the creditors to figure out and how exactly just what is going on in their domain. 30/ When a government goes bankrupt, it looses its sovereignty. In 1933 the U.S. declared bankruptcy, as expressed in Roosevelts Executive Orders 31/ The bankrupt U.S. went into receivership, reorganized in favor of its creditors and new owners. 1913 turned over America lock, stock, and barrel to a handful of criminals whose avowed intent from the beginning was to plunder, bankrupt, conquer, and enslave the people of the United States of America and eliminate the nation from the face of the earth. The goal was, and is, to absorb America into a one-world private commercial government, a New World Order. 32/ Thompkins case of 1938 the Supreme Court confirmed their success; we are now in an international private commercial jurisdiction in colorable admiralty-maritime under the Law Merchant. 33/ America has been stolen. We have been made slaves: permanent debtors, bankrupt, in legal incapacity, rendered commercial persons, residents, and corporate franchisees known as citizens of the United States under the so-called 14th Amendment. Said Amendment Secrets of the Federal Reserve 1. Treaties between the United States and others in Geneva, Switzerland from 1928 to 1932. 3. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. 7. Case Law to Copy: 8. Benedicts on Admiralty Investigate; the Lawyers Guild of Great Britain and any ties to the American Bar Association. Lawyers’ Secret Oath? An Expose’ Secret Courts - Secret Law Mr Moller says that while many of his friends and peers agreed with his views about the oath, they urged him to do the practical thing and cross his fingers during the admission ceremony. This is about the solemnity of the oath. You dont take an oath you dont believe in. That would be perjury, he says. Mr Moller does not see himself as a radical, pointing out that only three other Australian states still require the oath, and that England abolished the requirement in 1868. It doesnt add anything to the practice or the profession ... If you are going to impose an oath, it should have meaning and it should have substance. It would be better to have no oath than to have an empty oath, he says. Mr Hulls says he has not decided whether to scrap the oath entirely, replace it with an oath of allegiance to Australia, or merely make it optional. This document records the official surrender, on June 7, 1949, of Floridas third branch of government, the Supreme Court of Florida, to a private professional trade group formerly known as the Florida State Bar Association and now known as The Florida Bar. This government takeover set the stage for the present day graft and corruption now found in Floridas judicial system: It is time for everyone in America to know the Truth. Let us all work together in exposing the British Empire of the Sun It is time to send the British back to England. LEGAL DOCUMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES ablelegalforms/40so2d902.htm ========================================= TREASON: THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY OF THE LAWYERS TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES FROM WITHIN
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 09:18:05 +0000

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