MOB @ 50: Celebrating a worthy man of the people! Femi Daramola - TopicsExpress


MOB @ 50: Celebrating a worthy man of the people! Femi Daramola writes from Ikole Ekiti: Ekiti state has been in the news recently mostly for negative reasons. It’s amazing though that most of the mayhems has been as a result of intra parties conflicts. Fayemi boys attacking MOB’s and vice versa or PDP attacking themselves over consensus arrangement, all of these boils down to the contest to determine the next tenant of Ekiti state’s government house. Of more importance is the intrigue and crisis within the ACN/APC in Ekiti state. In politics there is no permanent friend, therefore personally I am not surprise by the rivalry between Fayemi and MOB. I’m compelled to put up this write up because of my closeness to some of these actors during the struggle to reclaim Dr. Fayemi’s mandate. Unfortunately, my closeness to all of them ended the moment Fayemi was sworn in as Ekiti state governor. The rest they say is now history. I really don’t know much about Dr. Fayemi until he was declared as the AC (then) flag bearer for the 2007 governorship election. The little I know about him then was about his roles on Radio Kudirat. I am sure many Ekiti sons and daughters were in my shoes. We all fell in love with his baritone voice and gradually he warmed his way into our hearts. The dynamism of Ekiti politics gave Fayemi leverage in the contest against Oni who was PDP candidate. Majority of Ekitikete could not tell the difference between Fayemi and Oni but they know the difference between PDP and ACN. PDP was not in the good book of many well-meaning Ekitikete before and during the election because of chains of event that led to Fayose’s impeachment. Fayose and his supporters called it conspiracy but I called it negative publicity. Ekitikete voted along party line because of this negative publicity against the PDP! Unfortunately the wish of the people was not respected by the government at the central and through the help of INEC Oni was declared winner. This led to lengthy legal battle that culminated in rerun and the infamous Ayoka’s drama where MOB, though a serving Commissioner in Lagos, was at the risk of everything good became the rallying point and coordinator of ACN in Ekiti state. Some of his critics refused to appreciate his contribution because according to them the money he spent was not his. These group of people forgot that MOB was not the first Ekiti son to be appointed to a political office in Lagos yet he devoted his time and energy to leave indelible marks on the historical sand of Ekiti. I was actively involved in the Ifaki / Ido-Osi rerun and this marked the beginning of my closeness to the active players. MOB was the major sponsor of ACN in Ekiti as at that time. Like I said earlier, he was the rallying point. In fact, he was the darling of old and young within Ekiti state’s ACN then. I met the current Special Adviser (S.A) to Dr. Fayemi on internal security Mr. Deji Adesokan (a.k.a Jaru) more than ten times in the office of MOB when he was still a commissioner in Lagos. There was a particular day that we all waited till about 10pm before MOB was free enough to attend to us. Despite the huge demand of his office as the Lagos state commissioner for information he was always willing and ready to do anything for the good of ACN in Ekiti state. How else can one interpret the donation of eighteen Hiace buses to Ekiti state’s ACN the day he declared his interest to contest for the senate to represent Ekiti central senatorial district. Here was a man with interest to contest in just six local governments that make up Ekiti central, he donated one Hiace bus each to each of the sixteen local government and two buses to the state headquarter of ACN. He was the man on NTA fighting to protect Fayemi’s vote when madam Ayoka was doing her abracadabra. He was the man that suggested Fayemi to the powers that be in ACN. I have read deferrent version of stories on Fayemi and MOB’s relationship before the former became the governor but Tinubu ended the controversy recently when he declared that it was MOB that suggested Fayemi to him. He went further to affirmed that MOB did support and work for Fayemi with the backing of the leaders. Tinubu is a rainbow of many colors but he’s a man that always calls a spade a spade no matter whose ox is gore. Therefore Tinubu would not have come out with such bold statement if MOB was as bad as some of his critics may want to make us believe now. Tinubu once said, if I sleep with MOB by the bed side holding a razor blade in his hand, I know I will wake up unscratched. That’s one hell of a way to confirm loyalty. The darling son as Tinubu called MOB, continues to pledge his loyalty to Tinubu and the party even at the peak of provocations. MOB insistence on contesting the next governorship election is not a crime but why he want to contest against someone that he single handedly suggested and arduously worked for and supported to become the current governor is what we should all ask ourselves. Tinubu told Fayemi, “I have heard the rumour that I am the one sponsoring MOB. That’s not true. You can not stand my political wits! I want peace and unity within the Ekiti APC family. Do all you must do to unite your people and make peace with everybody. You have to return the position of MOB’s father to him and meet the old man. Go to his house to have a meeting with him if he refuses to come to you.” Unfortunately majority of anti-MOB could not understand the message Tinubu passed to Fayemi with the above statements. He said, I have heard people accusing me of sponsoring MOB against you. That’s not true! I am denying this allegation not because you can stand my political wits if I decide to do so. I denied because I want peace within the family. Do all you must do to make peace with MOB. You did not just wrong MOB but you also insulted his father. Go and see the old man, apologize to him and return his position! Tinubu is reputed to hold no grudge but he’s an extreme of both ends. He never forgets the good and the bad done to him. Tinubu said, “MOB suggested Fayemi’s name to him and that MOB supported and worked for Fayemi success. MOB is a darling son. He should forget about his ambition for now.” Tinubu as a true democrat didn’t see anything wrong in the ambition and aspiration of MOB but for the peace of the family he advises MOB to slow down. The pro-Fayemi went out celebrating the advice Tinubu gave to MOB but none of them bother to know if Fayemi has done anything about the advices (assignments) Tinubu gave him. Has he made peace with MOB or any of the aggrieved party memebers? Has he gone to apologize to MOB’s father and return his position as Tinubu instructed him to do? Why would a Tinubu ask Fayemi to go and apologize to MOB’s father. Has any of the pro-Fayemis take out time to know (find out) why MOB was not the one Tinubu advised to go and make peace with Fayemi? These are some of the reasons why most well-informed Ekitikete refuse to join the bandwagon of anti-MOBs. He should wait for his time, he’s too desperate! That’s the usual comment of all pro-Fayemis whenever they talk or discuss about MOB. MOB’s desperation did not becloud him to nominate himself when Tinubu asked for his opinion about who the party (ACN) should promote to contest the Ekiti state 2007 governorship election. MOB’s desperation did not push him to rock the boat when he was robbed and denied his senatorial contest after defeating Ojudu at the primaries. MOB’s desperation did not make him quit ACN when he was denied inputs in Fayemi’s cabinet despite his contribution to the election and reclaiming of Fayemi’s mandate. MOB’s desperation did not make him declare for another party despite repeated attacks on him and his supporters. It’s therefore insultive, unheard of and barbaric to accuse a fifty years old man of been desperate simply by declaring his aspiration to govern his state. There’s a limit to how far you can push someone that is why I honestly believe the likes of Tinubu has refused to be dragged to be club of uninformed critics of MOB. The biggest mistake you can make in life is to underrate your opponent. This is a universal rule that applies to all facets of life. Fayose couldn’t have defeated Otunba Niyi Adebayo in the 2003 election had it been Adebayo went to the field with his best eleven. Otunba Adebayo surrounded himself with people who didn’t love him enough to tell him the true perception of people about him. In fairness to Adebayo he performed credibly well given the prevailing situation of Ekiti state finances then and therefore deserves the second term. He did not engage in frivolous multi-billion borrowing like we see these days and yet made meaningful impacts. As a Christian, I know there’s nothing God can not do but I also know there are many things He will never do. I followed Adebayo to campaign for re-election in all towns and villages of Ekiti state in 2003. I saw him breaking his fast with juice at the campaign ground on many occasions. He worked, campaigned, prayed and fasted yet he was voted out. Why? Adebayo lost touch with the grassroots and was turned to a thin God by the sycophants around him. He became over-night emperor that decides who deserves what. He denied many credible candidates the rights to contest primaries against his anointed candidates. All those denied candidates except one Ropo Ige, dumped the party (AD) and teamed up with Fayose. The rich also cry! That was the scenario at the government house where I was when Fayose’s victory was announced. The present commissioner for culture and tourism cried like a baby with her colleagues. Adebayo comforted himself with the spirit (Rum I guessed) drinking directly from the bottle. He became the chief comforter petting (patting their back) them to take it easy. That was an avoidable drama, had it been AD didn’t scatter her house with imposition and Fayose was not underrated. A wise man learns from others mistakes but a foolish man learns from his! I prefer ACN /APC to PDP anyday and I am sure most Ekitikete feel the same way. However, the intra party crisis within ACN / APC may ruin the party in Ekiti and pave way for another party to win the next governorship election. The pro Fayemis within the ACN / APC in Ekiti state will tell you with ease that MOB is overrated but the unfortunate truth is the fact that MOB is actually underrated by the pro-Fayemis. You need to take a personal survey and poll around Ekiti state before you decide on whom to take serious. Majority of the pro-Fayemis are direct or indirect beneficiaries of his government, most of who do not have voter cards to vote in Ekiti state. Fayose left government years back but his influence and popularity within Ekiti state PDP surpasses that of many people in power, even the current minister of police affairs Capt. Caleb Olubolade can not defeat Fayose in free and fair primary election within the PDP. Such is the type of bond and love MOB enjoys within the ACN / APC in Ekiti state. I don’t expect the pro-Fayemis to accept or appreciate my position but before you criticise me blindly do your survey and opinion poll to feel the pulse of Ekitikete and draw your own conclusion. Forget your ambition for now, that was what Obj told Mimiko in 2007 just like Tinubu advised MOB recently. Obj went further to call MImiko names openly while Obj was campaigning for Agagu. Mimiko went ahead against all odd, the rest is now history. If Mimiko can do it in Ondo state then history can repeat itself in Ekiti with MOB. I will rather prefer an MOB winning through another party than to witness another reign of PDP in Ekiti state. I have nothing against PDP candidates but I have everything against the PDP from federal to states. The entrance of MOB to the governorship contest is therefore a plus for Ekitikete. I honestly support people that have been pleading with MOB not to rock the boat by contesting primary against Fayemi and I am fully in support of those patriots that have been urging MOB to declare and contest under another party. The more, the merrier! I join millions of Ekitikete to celebrate an illustrious son of Ekitiland, Hon Micheal Opeyemi Bamidele as he clocks the golden age. What better birthday gift can I possibly offer you than to join your teeming supporters in urging you to declare your aspiration and pursue your ambition under the banner of another party (e.g Labour Party) and let’s set the ball rolling. Despite your decision not to engage in jamboree celebration to mark your golden jubilee birthday you owe your teeming supporters this declaration. Voice of man is the voice of God! Congratulation to MOB @ 50 A man of the people that’s worthy of celebrating Happy birthday and many happy returns. Ure Ekiti a so ju kete ra o! Femi Daramola.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:20:54 +0000

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