MODERN AFRICAN STATES ARE DEGENERACY STRICKEN. OVERHAULING THEM IS AN INESCAPABLE MUST: African States are degeneracy stricken. Instances of that degeneracy are not far to seek. Even the blind can see. we all know that the principle of neutrality in civil conflicts erupting in U.N. members states, is essential to the very existence of the United Nations Organization, sole public international organization charged with preserving peace and security on the global scale. The UNO had never in its history violated that legal principle until very recently, in respect with the Congolese civil war opposing the Kabila government to the rebels of the March 23 Movement- M23. Why did the UNO decide to violate its neutrality principle in the first place with regard to d r Congo, is a good question. Our concern for the time being is however to question the readiness of some African states, members of the UNO, to be part of that glaring and massive violation of international law. The south African, Malawian and Tanzanian governments, on behalf of their countries voluntarily accepted to be dragged into a historic connivance with western powers to further crush d r Congo and Rwanda. For that purpose, the essential legal principle governing the UNO had to be violated, for the first time ever: the neutrality principle referred to above. The Kabila government and the m23 rebellion had already covered good ground in their Kampala peace negotiations, when suddenly a decision was taken to crush the M23 Congolese rebellion, rendering peace talks useless, precluding peace in d r Congo altogether. The above said African governments offered to contribute their troops to the UN special intervention brigade of 3000 officers and men, beefing up the 20 000 MONUSCO troops, in the declared intention to reduce to zero the only Congolese political actor struggling to secure good governance, peace and security in a Congo that has for a long time known and referred to as a failed state, functioning on tyranny, terror and massive corruption. Now that all is done, now that M23 is officially gone thanks to international conspiracies, UNs moral and legal bankruptcy alongside African states political degeneracy, what do you think is going to happen in d r Congo? The Congolese peoples are once again denied their right to rebel against massive tyranny and terror orchestrated by their inept government. the general Nkunda CNDP rebellion, precursor to the M23, was brought down like a house of cards in January 2009, when the Nairobi Congolese government-rebellion negotiations to put on track a new political dispensation in d r Congo had attained the finish point. general Laurent Nkunda was all of a sudden arrested and incarcerated in Rwanda, on January 22, 2009, and his army of rebels was incorporated into the national Congolese army. There are now two options open for d r Congo and the international community: One: paving the way for peace and security. Two: ushering in the era of total disorder and pervasive massive insecurity in d r Congo, the whole sub region of the African great lakes and beyond. For peace and security to be achieved in d r Congo, the m23 political cadres, credible Congolese politicians and the Kinshasa government must get together to chart new structures for the Congolese state, to make it viable and governable in the interests of the Congolese people, away from institutionalized tyranny, terror and State-debilitating corruption. Failure to do precisely that will most certainly set d r Congo on the path of total disorder, unprecedented insecurity claiming the lives of millions more of the defenseless Congolese folks. the end result will eventual be the disintegration of the still largely Leopoldian d r Congo into a number of states that cannot be determined beforehand. Congo was created in 1876 by Belgian King Leopold II as a personal property of his, which he ruthlessly exploited until 1908. Amid decried scandals of red rubber inhumanity and barbaric slavery inflicted onto the multiple nations scattered across King Leopold IIs vast property known and referred to as The Independent Kongolese State/LEtat independent du Kongo, the Belgian government acquired that huge expanse of land, upon negotiation and payment of a sum of compensation money to the aging King who died soon afterwards. Virtually all the modern African states were created more or less like our ever bloody congo, they have gone through the same de-humanization, de-politicization, bastardization and barbaric enslavement in colonial times. They have generally not yet recovered from their colonial past, long after their nominal and sham independence and disputable sovereignty. To say the least, they are all political and moral degeneracy stricken, and they need thorough overhauling, if they are to survive at all. Africa is so excruciatingly null and godforsaken that western powers seem to pick on that state of affairs and cook up maneuvers to embark on a new colonization, as a way of offsetting their current financial and economic difficulties. D R Congo is understandably the most coveted of the African states. Ntarugera Deo Koya
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 07:04:46 +0000

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