MODERN PROSPERITY gospel twists Gods word friends..... Truth - TopicsExpress


MODERN PROSPERITY gospel twists Gods word friends..... Truth About Jesus’ Wonderful Name is that you can name it and claim it, NOT! What, then, is the truth about Jesus’ words, about giving His followers the desires of their hearts, if they ask anything in His name? Indeed, the Lord did not speak in fables, but only in absolute truth. He did promise, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do…” First, and foremost, the totality of God’s Word must be considered, when thinking on something that seemingly just doesn’t ring true. By that, I mean that we can look around us today and know with absolute certainty that the dead are not being raised, and the terminally ill are dying. More to the point in the matter of name-it-and-claim-it “theology,” the vast majority of those who believe they can be materially wealthy if they have enough faith are far from wealthy. In fact they are poorer than ever because they have sent their hard-earned money to the fable-makers, who indeed are wealthy! Accidents and bad things happen even to great Christian men, and women, and even to little children, still in their innocence, so far as the age of accountability is concerned. Therefore, when Jesus says that He will grant us anything in His name, and today’s “miracle” workers” are not producing even one verifiable “miracle,” there is a serious disconnect --Jesus’ promises, from the contemporary “miracle workers’” inability to get things done through their miracle-and-wonders ministry efforts. And, what about the worried but faithful Christian mother and father who pray with all their hearts, in Jesus’ Holy Name, that their terribly sick baby live, only to have the baby taken from them by death? Has Jesus reneged on His Promise: “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do…”? Again, to find truth, we must look at the matter at hand in its scriptural context, not just take a single phrase, sentence, or even several paragraphs, and invent a doctrine out of whole cloth, and say it is from God’s Holy Word. In the case of the name-it-and-claim-it prosperity/miracle-working doctrines of these days that are filled with fables, for brevity’s sake, we will look at a specific statement by Jesus that sums and encapsulates the entire context of the matters involved: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33). The Lord had just spent time explaining how God takes care of even things of nature. That God’s children should be anxious for nothing. God knows how to take care of His creation, especially His creation called man. God will, Jesus said, provide all things necessary for journeying through this life. Nowhere in this great principle does Jesus say He promises great material wealth, freedom from health problems, or miracle cures of an ecstatic nature, through some miracle healer. God will add to the lives of all people who seek first His kingdom and righteousness, the necessities to sustain life, for as long as He decides to grant life, which is a thing, at any rate, predetermined –by Him. (Jesus holds the key to death and hell, the Scripture says.) God’s Word says elsewhere that there is a time to be born, to love, to laugh, to cry, and to die. Our job is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. This is what brings His blessings. They include the basic necessities until we die, when we honor those requirements. What, then, are God’s kingdom and righteousness? This gets to the heart of what Jesus promises in saying, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do…” God’s entire economy for humankind is built upon seeking to save out of fallen mankind a people to be His family for all eternity. He is presently redeeming those who accept the once-and-for-all sacrifice Christ made on the cross for the sins of the human race. It is only through Jesus Christ that God the Father sees anyone as reconciled to himself, thus worthy to enter the heavenly realm at the rapture, or at death. His kingdom, then, is heaven. All creation is His, because He made everything. But, Scripture indicates that for a time He awaits taking full control of this fallen planet. But, take control He will! The great drama written by Him through His omniscience must run its course. But there is no doubt about who stands victorious in the last act: “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev. 11:15). God’s kingdom is where He will rule and reign forever. His righteousness is Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son –the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. When God’s children pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, that child is indeed promised the desires of his or her heart. But, praying in Jesus’ name means you are submitting to His will and turning your own wants over to Him. You are saying, “You know what is best, Lord. Like when Jesus surrendered to becoming that sin sacrifice on the cross, you are –if you truly pray in the name of your Lord—saying, not my will, but thine be done.” Asking for things in the name of God’s Son means that we want Him to rule and reign in our lives. We seek no self-aggrandizement. We seek only to lift the name of Christ before a lost and dying world. By asking in the name of Jesus, we are asking that He make our desires come into conformance with His desires. Any other view of God’s dealing with His children is pure fable –fiction of the most deceptive sort. To leave this profound truth out of sermons or lessons as they are preached and taught, replacing the truth with fables that God wants to bless by giving us the desires of our own thoughts, and all one has to do is have faith that He will bless, is a horrendous lie to perpetrate upon vulnerable children of God who already struggle mightily to overcome the lusts with which they are confronted by the world, the flesh, and the devil. The prescription to avoid turning to fables during this treacherous end-time era is to first look upward, then turn outward, not inward. At every point in life, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:15:00 +0000

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