MODESTY IN ISLAM Modesty and shyness play a special part - TopicsExpress


MODESTY IN ISLAM Modesty and shyness play a special part between the affairs of the Creator and the created.As a sense of shame in human beings,it is the shrinking of the soul from foul conduct, a quality that prevents one from behaving badly towards others or encouraging others to behave badly towards you. The amount of shyness we have is determined by the extent of knowledge and fearness we have for our Lord. Islamically,modesty begins with the heart as the noble prophet sorllallahu alaihi was-Salam said Modesty is part of faith, and that part of faith must lie in the heart. It is more than just a question of how one dresses, and more than just modesty in front of people; rather it is reflected in a ones speech, dress, and conduct: in public in regards to people, and in private in regards to Allah(GOD) since HE knows and sees everything. A person with a shred of shame in their heart will not commit any lewd act knowing that he is been watched by someone so what about gaining the conciousness that we are always in the presence of Allah whom we cant hide anything from? Is HE not much worthier that such acts not be done in HIS sight? Thus, Islam considers that the modesty of a believer in front of GOD must be greater than in front of people as stated in the saying of the prophet when a man asked him about remaining naked in the house while alone. The Prophet responded: Allah is more deserving than other people of shyness. (Abu Dawood) The key to modesty is knowing that Allah is aware of what we do and shying away from that which HE forbids. The believer feels shy to disobey his Lord, feels shame like one has been stripped off after one has commit sin or act inappropriately, whether in private or in public. We should associate ourselves with modest people - those in whose presence we feel embarrassed to do anything shameful.The prophet says: I advise you to be shy toward Allah, the Exalted, in the same way that you are shy toward a pious man from yourpeople. Modesty is also a quality that distinguishes human beings from animals. Animals follow their instincts without feeling any shame or a sense of right or wrong. Hence, the less modesty a person has, the more he resembles animals and the more modesty a person has, the closer he is to being human. thin humans. Being shy of a stranger’s gaze is one of the driving forces behind modesty in dress which actually identifies one as being a believing woman, a target which the devout Muslim, or any decent man, would be motivated to protect rather than abuse. We modestly love our fellow sisters or our mahrams in a way that the love we feel in our hearts for them during their absence is greater than what we feel for them in their presence and we don’t even know why. There is no doubt that the love of a person has a stronger and more magnificent authority over the individual than the authority of the one who conquers the body physically. And because of this, kings and elite authority wonder in amazement about creation and how they are conquered because of the love they have for someone greater than they are conquered by power and physical authority. Modesty of servitude is mixed with love and fear while witnessing that there is no perfection in our worship or servitude to the ONE we worship. And we acknowledge that our LORD is greater and more opulent than what we are offering in worship, so our servitude to ALLAH causes us to be modest of HIM. If the noble and prestigious soul does something that is beneath its caliber, either by exerting itself or doing some random act of good, it is modest despite what it has exerted of itself with a type of modesty that is honorable and dignified. The modesty of an individual regarding him/herself is the modesty of the noble, honorable and dignified individual due to us being pleased with the fact that we have some shortcomings. We prostrates ourselves out of modesty as if we have two personalities: We are modest with one regarding the other and this is the most complete form of modesty. If we are modest regarding ourselves then we are more likely to be modest in front of others. Allah knows best.May HE Bless our hearts with HIS Fearness and make us be concious of HIS presence Aameen
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:12:28 +0000

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