MODI !!! MODI !!! MODI !!! - Is he an Avatar ? Varna means - TopicsExpress


MODI !!! MODI !!! MODI !!! - Is he an Avatar ? Varna means Profession [Learned Administration Corporate & Labor] Varna means Profession [Brahman Kstriyas Vaisya Sudra] Varna means Profession [Pope Knight Merchant Slave] Varna means Profession [Syed Pathan Shaikh Ansari] Dharm - a way of life Varna-dharm means Syndicates of people in 3 elite profession who governs the 4th profession as per the law of Manu sastra. MANU - A CODES OF INJUSTICE TO SUDRA OR COMMON PEOPLE GLOBAL ELITES means syndicates of elite among settlers on semitic black nation from Maurya Persian Roman Moguls empires to divide the common people in the name of Faith. Maurya empire 1st started Hinduism based on castes later introduced Buddhism after slaughtering the Pali speaking people - the DHAMMA people. Persian empire 1st started Zoroastrianism later introduced Shiaism to come back in Power & eradicate law of EQUALITY - beheaded grandson of prophet Muhammad - Hussein. Palestinian & Roman empire : Palestinian Goliath fought with black Israelis David & later Roman empire looted city of Black Israel & black temple of Jerusalem. After Black Jesus - Roman empire started Roman Catholic based on racism & Hellenistic law favoring the 3 elite. Today their descendants call them sunni muslim. Moguls empire from Mongolia they 1st slaughtered the black in Middle East eradicated law of EQUALITY and later introduced Hanafism where Ansari are considered as inferior.. Election 2014 - India : Change in law thats what India needs ! BJP or Congress is a part of that ELITES which govern people as per the law of Manu. Regarding Sir Modi - weather he is a part of that syndicate only time will tell ! What does common people wants ? 1. SIR MODI or 2. BJP or 3. Changes in System or law THATS THE BIG QUESTION
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:11:31 +0000

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