MOHAMMADU RASULULLAHI (SAW) Do you know that, among the names - TopicsExpress


MOHAMMADU RASULULLAHI (SAW) Do you know that, among the names of prophet Mohammed is AL-NABIYUL RAHMAT? meaning the merciful Prophet. Yes, prophet Mohammed was the number one creations of ALLAH who was so merciful to that extent that ALLAH called or named him RAUF and RAHIM at the end of SURAT AL-TAWBAH,all these are attributes of ALLAH but he gave them to Prophet Mohammed(PBUH). And in SURAT AL-ANBIYAA ALLAH says, in discribtions of the prophet Mohammed(PBUH) status to the world:The Quran say: وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (١٠٧) And we sent you (MOHAMMED) not, save as a mercy to the mankind.(21;107) I just came across this HADITH and want to share it with you my good fellow Muslims on this blessed FRIDAY. It was reported that: بكى رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم يوماً فقالـوا: ما يبكيك يارسول اللّه ؟!قـال: إشتقت لأحبابي !! قالـوا : أولسنا أحبابك يارسول اللـّہ ؟! قـآل: لا أنتم أصحابي أما أحبابي فقوم يأتون من بعدي يؤمنون بي ولم يـروني Prophet Mohammed was with his companion one day, suddenly they say the prophet weeping, and they enquired to find out what was the matter, The prophet said I am weeping for the love and longing to see my LOVERS the Companions then said, but we are your LOVERS, we love you and we will do whatever you want us to do. The prophet then, said You people are my Companions SAHABAS but my lovers are those who will come after me, they never saw me, they only heard of me, yet they believe in me and they love me ALLAHU AKABR! ALLAHU AKBAR!. May ALLAH keep us among those who love this GREAT and MERCIFUL prophet and the best creations of ALLAH. On this good beautiful and blessed FRIDAY, I want all of us to pray for the prophet Mohammed, his household and all his companions. If you are truly a lover of the prophet Mohammed, let us all recite SALAT for him and his household. And as we all know if you love someone you give him what he loves. The Prophet taught us how to make SALT for him.Thats SALAT IBRAHIMIYA. Any other SALAT is an invented or innovated one, so let us give our GREAT Prophet what he wants. SALAT ALAA AL-NABIYI! (SALAT IBRAHIMIYA))
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 11:55:19 +0000

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