MOHAMMED ALI AND JOHN ALLAN NAMU ARE MY MASHUJAAS: A shujaa is a hero. To be a hero you must be courageous and brave enough to step on a few toes. You must do your homework well to a point where nobody adversely mentioned or involved would have the balls to rush to court with defamation suits against you because the evidence you have is overwhelmingly enough to turn your accuser into the accused. Which is why this great duo has been hated and loved in equal measure depending on which side of the expose you want to be in. If they expose your tribal-political gods it is understandable which side you end up leaning towards. Some weeks ago focus was on extra-judicial killings of terror suspects such as Aboud Rogo. This was misinterpreted to mean that Mohallan supports terrorism whereas the focus here ought to have been the manner in which these suspects are eliminated without due judicial process. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Personally I would wish to be part of the firing squad IF the law allowed for death sentences. But it doesn’t. In short, law-enforcers break the law whenever they kill a SUSPECTED law-breaker. It doesn’t mean that Mohallan support terrorism, they just ask that we give law a chance to deal with suspects. Which is why we have the judiciary, funded by our sweat and tax. The same people criticising them for exposing the rogue soldiers who looted blood-property at #westgate do not see anything wrong with the stealing exercise, instead choosing to focus on attack against the two journalists. You are ok with the rogue soldiers. Those clips aired on Jicho Pevu were also aired on the other TV stations that same night. Why not attack Purity Mwambia of k24 and the guys from NTV and Citizen? The clips were all over the internet too. But you prefer to hate Moha and John because they have in the past exposed your tribal/political gods. You are grandchildren of impunity. People perish for lack of knowledge. You say what you don’t know won’t kill you and that is the joy of the evil. They prefer to have their misdeeds swept under the carpet. They love it when you burry your heads under the sand and pretend it didn’t happen. You forget that with your head in there your other parts of the body is exposed. Your sensitive parts, the heart, your gonads are all at risk of attack. Stop hating on Mohammed Ali and Allan Namu for doing their exposes. By so doing we get to know the kind of people we entrust our security, leadership, general welfare and future to. Thanks to them we learnt of how wanugu, wacucu, rasta and matheri terrorised hardworking Kenyans. And how the officer who got rid of them ended up miserable with an attempt on his life. We learnt how the Artur brothers enjoyed state protection with YOUR tax. How Kabuga the guy wanted for the Rwandan genocide could also be enjoying YOUR tax. Chemolei the GSU officer? Kabila’s gold? The heck we even learnt new words such as paruwanja and jamarandia. Mohammed Ali is the godfather of investigative journalism. He does his homework well. He leads, the rest follows. Purity Mwambia of k24 focuses on Nairobi pickpockets, fuel siphoning by drivers. Moha plays in the senior league. At the hospital the doctors will have to cut you open to remove the unwanted. Or give you bitter pills to swallow. It hurts but in the end it helps. If you have a hernia in your ass you have to show her. Embarassing but it helps. You can’t shower and remove dirt with your clothes on. You need to expose. Sweeping dirt under the carpet is for the madmen. Are you one? Mtoto akijikunia hutolewa nguo anasafishwa. Si kumfunika zaidi asinukie watu. The guilty are always afraid. Sitasimama maovu yakitawala. Which is why I fully support 150% the great work of Mohammed Ali and John Allan Namu. Guess who.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:38:35 +0000

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