MOHAMMED WAS THE FIRST ONE TO SUBMIT UNTO SATAN according to the Quran and bible ! Muslims like to say all the prophets were Muslims why? Because they want people to think that Allah is YAHWEH the true GOD of Abraham isacc and Jacob , but in fact the Spirit behind Allah is satan according to the bible ! Lets Have a look at the evidence :) Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. ((((( MOHAMMED FIRST MUSLIM Say: Shall I choose for a protecting friend other than Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Who feedeth and is never fed? Say: I am ordered to be the first to surrender [aslama] (unto Him). And be not thou (O Muhammad) of the idolaters. S. 6:14 Pickthall Say, verily my Lord hath directed me into a right way, a true religion, the sect of Abraham the orthodox; and he was no idolater. Say, verily my prayers, and my worship, and my life, and my death are dedicated unto God, the Lord of all creatures: He hath no companion. This have I been commanded: I am the first Moslem (Wa Ana Awwalu Al-Muslimin). S. 6:161-163 Sale He hath no associate. This am I commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims. S. 6:163 Rodwell Say (O Muhammad): Lo! I am commanded to worship Allah, making religion pure for Him (only). And I am commanded to be the first of those who are muslims (surrender unto Him). S. 39:11-12 Pickthall!!! MARK OF THE BEAST What the apostle John saw in the book of Revelation as the mark of the beast was actually this. In the origional language it says Bismi-Allah which means (In the name of Allah). God did not give the book of Revelation origionally in the Greek. And God didnt invent the gematria which is an occultic method of turning numbers into names. The Bible didnt origionally say that 666 is the mark of the beast. The number 666 (According to English Bible Versions). It is better translated “Multitudes” of a man. Gilyahna/Revelation 13:18 (RNKJV). So, what does Chi Xi Stigma spell in Arabic? It spells the word Bismi-Allah. And Bismi-Allah means, In the Name of Allah. In the older Codex Vaticanus manuscript which is in the Arabic language it actually says Bismi-Allah (In the name of Allah). One of the symbols used in the origional Arabic text looks like an X which is the crossing of the swords which is the symbol of Islam. So any one of these symbols of Islam can be used as a mark of the beast such as an X (crossing of the swords), or the crescent half moon (symbol of Allah the moon God). Any one of these symbols that represent Islam can be used on the forehead as the mark of the beast like THE NAME, THE MARK, or THE NUMBER. The name of the beast is Allah. The mark of the beast can be any of the symbols used to represent Islam. The word mark actually means badge of servitude. In the Muslim Koran which is their holy book their false prophet named Muhammad calls his mark a badge (badge or mark of Islam) which says this on it, There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet, and then by this he will enter paradise. So this badge of Islam is [ the mark (badge) of the beast ]. Its like a seal. It is the BADGE, MARK, or SEAL of the Beast! So they could have any one of these things on their forehaed which are : 1. The name of the beast = Allah, or Muhammad. In the name of Allah (Bismi-Allah). [ Which is in the Bible ] There is no God but Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad. [ In the Koran ] 2. The mark of the beast = X (crossing of the swords), or the crescent half moon (symbol of Allah the moon God). 3. The multitude of the beast. Here is what the false prophet Muhammad says in the Koran about his badge (seal) of Islam which is the mark of the beast. Allah will save a man from my nation above all men in the day of judgment. When they open the registers, and the register will be as far as you can see with your sins. And then he will be asked, are there any excuses for your sins? And then he says, no lord. And then the lord will tell him, you have only one good deed that you have done? And he will bring out a badge on it, and it says, There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet, and then by this he will enter paradise. In other words it says that badge (or mark) will rescue the Muslim to enter into the kingdom of his heaven, but actually it will enter him into the eternal damnation of the lake of fire, which is where the beast and the false prophet will also be thrown into. The “Nazi swastika” is an “x” with bent sides which also looks similar to The “x” which is the (crossing of “Islamic” swords). Hitler took the “swastika” from another ancient false religion. The evil (Charles Manson) use to wear an “X” on his “forehead”, and later he changed it to the “swastika” which is also “the mark of the beast” or “the seal of the beast”. So you see the connection between the“Islam” (X) and the “Nazi” (swastika which is an “X” with bent sides).Both of these “false antichrist religions” hate “the Jews”. Also (Perry Stone) who is a noted “Bible prophecy expert” said that he asked a “Jewish Rabbi” what the mark was that was placed on “the forehead” of Cain who is mentioned in the book of “Genesis”, and he said it was the Hebrew letter “X” which is “Tav”. So you see that this “mark of the beast” went way back before “Islam” or “Nazism”. The new X Mark Chip by [Verichip] could also be used as the the mark of the beast because X which is (the crossing of the swords) is another symbol for Islam. Verichip has also changed their name to XMark. I found the Mondex chip, Verichip, and the Amero mentioned in the Hebrew Bible Codes several years ago at a website called exodus2006(dot)com. So I looked it up up on the internet and there were real chips by these names. I sometimes find things in the Hebrew Bible codes first, and then I do research on the internet and try to put it all altogether. I also believe that Islam could also be tied into this in the near future also. Islam followers also wear the name of Allah on their right hand, and on their forehead. I have some other articles that you might want to read on this subject that I have put together. Do a search on the internet for: Verichip, Verimed, X Mark chip, Digital Angel, Mondex chip, Paychip, Amero chip, Nanochip, nano chip/ x antenna,Bird Flu chip, and swine flu chip. [ Mondex Biochip 666 Mark Of The Beast ] Goes In Your Right Hand. MONDEX spent more than $1.5 million dollars in research just to find the best place to insert the “Bio-chip” into the human body. They found only two satisfactory and efficient places – THE HEAD, underneath the scalp and the backside of the hand specifically … THE RIGHT HAND! (Revelation 13:16, 17) (v16) He causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, (v.17) and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16,17) But John was told in Rev 1:19 [to], Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter. So John wrote what he saw. What John saw was not 666. What he saw was, Chi Xi Stigma. There is a copy of that fragment of text in the Codex Vaticanus that dates from 340AD. And shows what the Chi Xi Stigma looks like in original handwritten Greek. It can be located on the web in various places as, cxs.gif. Go look at it. That phrase, Chi Xi Stigma is a multi-lingual palindrome. A palindrome is a word that read the same backwards and forwards. The Bible has a few of them that have had significance in prophecy throughout the ages. But to my knowledge, this is the only multi-lingual palindrome in existence. The two languages are Greek and Arabic. Which is fascinating because the word that Chi Xi Stigma spells in Arabic didnt even exist when John wrote Revelation! And I believe it is a very explicit example of the true and prophetic nature of the revelation itself. So, what does Chi Xi Stigma spell in Arabic? It spells the word Bismi-Allah. And Bismi-allah means, In the Name of Allah. Here is a riddle. Let him that hath understanding determine the multitude of the beast: for it is a multitude of a men; and his multitude [is] in the name of Allah. And what is the significance? Islam is the only distinctly anti-Christian religion to have ever existed on this planet. In the “Hebrew language” the word “Alah” means “curse” . In the “Hebrew concordance” the word “Alah” is #421, and #423 which means “curse” or “cursing”. If we break the complete word “Allah” down in the “Hebrew concordance” you will see that “Al” means “no” (# 408). And “Lah” means “Law” (#3509). When you put this together “Allah” means “no law” or (lawless one). “Allah” is Satan the serpent (the lawless one)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 07:45:24 +0000

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