MOKO ..... ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME THINGS ABOUT BEING MAORI IS OUR CONNECTION TO THE WORLD AROUND US .... THIS MONTHS CHALLENGE .... FIND YOUR PEPEHA CONNECT TO IT ALL :) heres some info about pepeha Example of a Pepeha What follows is a template to begin building your pepeha (an introductory ‘speech’ – based on whakapapa – recited during mihimihi). It is important to remember that a pepeha is not simply a ‘cut and paste’ affair. Please seek advice about the structure and content of your pepeha from someone with expertise in this area before simply inserting the relevant information and reciting it in a formal situation. This will not only ensure it is structured accurately, but it might also save you from an embarrassing situation when you deliver it publicly! Also remember that there are a number of different ways to structure your pepeha; some people use tōku (indicating that something belongs to them, or that they belong to it), whereas others use te (a singular ‘the’) following the proper noun. A pepeha therefore might look like either of the two examples below: Ko Kapukataumahaka tōku māunga Mt Cargill is my mountain Ko Kapukataumahaka te māunga Mt Cargill is the mountain (to which I affiliate) We need to consider, however, that there is no one way of doing things and that this is an area still up for discussion. People need to do what feels right for them, so long as they develop their pepeha with good intent and ensure that, after checking it with a reo Māori expert (Māori language expert), it is delivered with both humility and respect. What follows is one example of a pepeha: Your browser does not support this type of audio. 00:00| 00:00 Ko ____________ te māunga Ko ____________ te awa/roto/moana Ko ____________ te waka * Ko ____________ tōku tīpuna * Ko ____________ tōku iwi Ko ____________ tōku hapū Ko ____________ tōku marae * Nō ____________ ahau Ko ____________ rāua ko __________ ōku mātua * Ko ____________ tōku ingoa The mountain that I affiliate to is _________________________ The river/lake/sea that I affiliate to is ____________________ The waka that I affiliate to is ____________________________ * My (founding) ancestor is _______________ * My tribe is _____________________________ My sub-tribe is _________________________ My marae is ___________________________ * I am from _____________________________ My parents are __________ and ___________ * My name is ____________________________ * NOTE: these components of the pepeha are optional. Generally speaking, people who whakapapa back to one or numerous iwi recite these (and more) parts of their whakapapa (and there will be variation among different iwi), however in western terms, this may not be feasible, or desirable. Kia maumahara koe! : remember that a pepeha is also usually shared within a context of mihimihi, or introductory speeches. It is important to begin and end with an appropriate greeting. At a very basic level, you may begin with: Tēnā koutou katoa (Greetings to you all) and end with: Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa (Therefore, greetings, thrice over). More proficient speakers may begin with a tauparapara (tribal chant) from their own or the local iwi. There are literally hundreds of tauparapara in existence, but here is one commonly used example: Ka tangi te tītī Ka tangi te kākā Ka tangi hoki ahau As the sooty sheerwater voices its presence As the parrot voices its presence So too do I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Considerations for Preparation and Delivery of a Pepeha When thinking about preparing to speak during mihimihi, it is vital that you consider the kaupapa (purpose) of the hui (meeting) you are attending so as to ensure that: a) it is appropriate for you to stand and speak; and b) that your mihi (speech) or pepeha is suited to the occasion. For example, at tangihanga (a ceremony to farewell the dead) it would not be appropriate for an undesignated speaker to stand and deliver a pepeha in the wharenui (meeting house); an event such as this is steeped in tradition and ritual and best left to those who have experience and/or have been afforded the status to do so (although it would still be fitting for you to attend to acknowledge the deceased and show your support for the bereaved family, the whānau pani). Alternatively, if your department or school has organised a noho marae (marae visit) and a round of mihimihi occurs following the pōwhiri, then it would be appropriate to stand and recite your pepeha along with the rest of your colleagues. This may not be the case, however, if you are meeting with colleagues (in a non-Māori forum, for example) to develop the department’s Māori Strategic Plan, which is held in your departmental board room! Finally, if you are representing your department/institution at a hui to do with – for example – resource management, it is best to follow the lead of others (observation reigns in this situation). If appropriate, the discussions might start with mihimihi, however it may just be that the kaupapa of the hui is launched into straight after the cup of tea. Remember the following; ‘when in Rome, do as Romans do’!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 23:18:28 +0000

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