MOLDOVA: A NEW SCHOOL YEAR, SOME OLD PROBLEMS The 2014-2015 school year, for many institutionalized children in the Republic of Moldova, is very difficult because of the lack of teaching materials and school supplies that are very badly needed. However, due to the collaboration between MWB and the Moldovan boarding schools, this beginning of this school year was certainly a blessed one. Moldovan school budgets cannot cover all the needs of students for a quality education and for the teachers to promote a successful educational process. This is why the support from MWB is so important in contributing towards facilitating the school curricula and bring hope to many students. The representatives of the various schools that have benefited from our assistance have shared with great enthusiasm the gratitude they have for MWB. They are very happy for the care and love that MWB shows towards the children. They also confessed that the children were pleasantly surprised by the gifts they have received and were encouraged to tackle a new year of study. They said that MWB brings both material goods and hope to them. Many families were also encouraged by this support of school supplies because their financial situations do not allow them to properly equip their children for school. Therefore this assistance is a godsend as their children can go to school with the much-needed supplies.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:44:57 +0000

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