MOLO KENYA- VERY SAD INDEED WHERE UHURU & RUTO ARE TAKING KENYA! *********** A middle aged man yesterday evening shocked many after he committed suicide over an increase in milk prices. The body of John Njagi, a father of 6, was discovered dangling from the roof top of his room minutes after watching news. Residents of Mutirithia estate, in Molo said that the man was seen in an elders’ meeting in the estate where he expressed his concern over the increase in milk prices. He was disturbed and was heard asking his colleagues where the country was headed to. Njagi complained of the harsh economic times wondering how prices of various basic commodities had shot up. Sources reveal that the deceased later on went to his house and ended his life. Speaking to the media, Njagi’s widow said that the husband had left a note stating that he decided to take away his life after prices of various commodities went up. He explained that he could not stand seeing his family suffer and yet he cannot afford to fend for them. The area police boss who visited the scene said that the man hanged himself following an increase in prices of various commodities. He condemned the act terming it as unreasonable warning men against it. The body was removed and taken to a Molo hospital mortuary.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 13:12:52 +0000

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