MOLVI AND POLITICS, DESTRUCTION OF PAKISTAN !!! In Pakistan the full beard has come to connote piety and spiritual fervor. It is such a powerful cultural signifier, in fact, that it inspires non-Muslims, too , the beard is only a sign of righteousness. It is no guarantor,I learned one thing: the longer the beard, the bigger the crook. people with big beards would be really honest, but i am keep meeting peoples lying to me, These quotes , we are the greatest, righteous, and the superior are taking us to house of poor and to destruction of the state, since Pakistans birth this Molvi mentality has destroyed our liberal culture,destroyed our chance toward a fair share of worldly education and technological advancements and we are pushed against the wall for being titled terrorists we were given a chance to get our hands out of our beards and step in to the global opportunities to form our self in to a liberal and secular and a prosperous nation by following the foot steps of sir Pervaiz Musharaf , we have lost it and we are back in the Lal Masjid( red mosque) Madarasas,caves,dungeons, while we are surrounded by not so friendly bearded and shaved enemies.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:36:34 +0000

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