MOMBASA GOVERNOR CAN YOU REVEAL TO US HOW MANY HECTARES OF LAND HAS BEEN GRABBED IN MOMBASA AND WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE PLEASE? Tana governor says 0.5 million grabbed More than 0.5 million hectares of land was grabbed by tycoons in Tana River contributing to the high poverty levels. Authorities in The Tana river county yesterday said large tracts of land was illegally allocated to a sugar mining company near Tana Athi River Development Authority. Huge chunks of land were allocated to powerful individuals and companies leaving the locals without any rightfully owned land. More than 100,000 hectares was allocated to another company near Galana ranch. Tana River Governor Hussein Dado said there has been "massive land grabbing" in the area by tycoons at the expense of the locals. He said the problem contributed to the loss of titles among the locals as only the tycoons are able to process rightful documents. “Majority of the locals in Tana River have no tittle deeds," he said. The governor vowed to reposes all illegally acquired land in his county in order to bring sanity to the locals. He asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and Land Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu to intervene and help resolve the problem. “We want the injustices to come to an end, we shall provide full support as a county to the land ministry in order to ensure all those illegally acquired lad is repossessed,’’ he said. His aim he said was to resolve the land issue amicable and ensure both farmers and pastoralists benefit equally to avoid any conflicts. During the president’s visit to Tanariver last weekend The leaders rejected 495 tittles set to be given to locals saying they had been allocated to only one sub location. They asked the president to first adjudicate the land and ensure the exercise was done fairly to all. Dado said there were key areas that ought to have got tittles like Garsen, Hola, Bura, Madogo, and Bangale among others instead of giving the tittles to only one community in Ngao.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 11:30:32 +0000

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