MOMENT OF SELF-VALIDATION;-) [Letter to Greg Zangari & Deva Priya - TopicsExpress


MOMENT OF SELF-VALIDATION;-) [Letter to Greg Zangari & Deva Priya - Dear Greg & Deva Hi! Sorry you are processing these feelings of blame game and re-sent-ment. Here are my carefully thought out and felt actions for the future and account of the past. I feel triumphant and validated. In Light, Alfred ;-) 1. THE FUTURE ;-) As independent witnesses come forward to testify on issues of child trafficking, child genocide, child sacrifice by rings in the Monarchies, governments, parliaments, churches, courts, banks, intelligence agencies, military, police, and mainstream media, NewsInsideOut will report their testimony. An independent Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunal is being established in Brussels. For more detail see In Light, Alfred ;-) By the evidence, it appears the ITCCS is a fabrication. Some investigators think Kevin Annett is a globalist operative. In that case the ITCCS is a globalist fabrication to displace, scatter and retard community and self-sovereign restoration of authentic society from the Transhumanists. We do not know what of the stories Kevin Annett told is factual and what is lies, disinformation or distortion by Annett or his handlers (if there are such). NewsInsideOut Turns your News Inside Out MORE EVIDENCE - FROM A FRIEND ;-) Agent Annett & Co. continues to block me and yet keep up his ITCCS fabrication act. Posted on Alfreds page that Alfred cannot see William AnnettAlfred Lambremont Webre 42 mins · The truth does finally come out, but only after much sacrifice ... “Your claims about thousands of children dying will never be proved, Reverend. Besides, this will never be allowed to come out. I should warn you that youve upset some people and they may take action to stop you.” - RCMP Sergeant Gerry Peters to Kevin Annett, July 3, 1997, Vancouver The records of tens of thousands of First Nations children who died during the Indian residential school period were released today by provincial governments. - Canadian Press and CTV News, March 24, 2014 QED In Light. Alfred ;-) 2. THE PAST - NOTE ON ITCCS INVESTIGATION Hi All I am sorry that there is confusion regarding ITCCS and Annett. I interviewed Annett as sole spokesman for 3 years and I took on faith many statements he made because of my 10 year relationship with him. On Oct. 28, 2014, a woman friend of mine came to me with a report that Annett had been simultaneously romancing and proposing marriage to several women in different parts of the planet. I had also noticed that young beautiful women would be appointed administrators by Annett of the ITCCS FB group [which I had founded] who then would become traveling companions to Annett across Canada and to Europe. My friend told me that Annett was engaging in unethical interpersonal relationships with multiple women. By coincidence Annett was scheduled for an interview in early Nov 2014 and I confronted him with what I had been told. Annett lied, saying he hardly knew my friend whereas they had been going out for 2 years. He then accused my friend, who runs a spiritual center, of being a government agent. At that moment I lost trust in Kevin Annett as I sensed he was deliberately lying for deceptive purposes. Within the past two weeks Heather Martin published interviews with two women whom Annett was simultaneously romancing at the same time he was my friend. I decided that as a matter of due diligence I should request an independent interview with George Dufort who Annett indicated had functioned as a coordinator of ITCCS Brussels. Over the past several months I had received emails purportedly written by George Dufort. I also knew that some researchers had concluded that George Dufort, like Jeremiah Jourdain, were fictitious persons Annett had made up in an effort to make his organization real. Upon my request of an interview with George Dufort, Annett escalated into a public hostile response indicating that I would be the target of a Tribunal and Grand Jury starting in January in Vancouver. Hence I issued a Protective Order to protect my home and the 10 people in it including elementary and secondary aged students from being threatened by the Grand Jury and Republic of Kanata gang, mandating no contact and prohibiting them from coming within 100 meters of my house. We have now developed and will be publishing evidence that Annett manipulated $150,000 from one such woman to support his lifestyle in the ITCCS, constituting fraud and breach of trust. NewsInsideOut has yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exist. Moreover we have receive preliminary information impeaching one of Annetts principal European witnesses. In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers. Our articles exposing Annetts breach of trust, compulsive lying, financial fraud, and shady involvement in child trafficking issues will be appearing in the coming weeks and months Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine citizen offered in this field. Thank you for your interest and patience in following this story as it unfolds. Alfred Lambremont Webre NewsInsideOut NewsInsideOut Turns your News Inside Out On Dec 23, 2014, at 11:18, Square wrote: I am so sad to witness what is happening between you and Kevin . I have followed you Alfred for several years and have always felt that what you put out there is researched some what. Now I am left wondering, is it really. How can someone with your background and expertise in your field go years interviewing a person and totally back or agree with what they say only to (out of the blue) decide that everything that they have said and done in all the past years is trash. Are u saying that the children arent being trafficked, used in rituals, beat and killed? This concerns me so much because you hold a great many pieces to the puzzle or your information does and now I have no idea whether the rest of the pieces are the same. as you say Kevin has turned out to be a fraud how many others are also. Please tell me that all the time I have spent has not been totally wasted We need to be able to trust someones info I say all this in love and respect Karron Sent from my iPhone
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:38:23 +0000

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