MONDAY 12/8/13 THE PURE WATER BUSINESS (A repeat): WORSHIP YOUR HEAD AND LET THE SHRINE REST, LET THE SPIRITS REST, AND EVEN IF GOD DOES NOT REST…LET HIM BE! A few of our friends and readers have requested that we do a repost of this write up. A few of our friends too have called requesting how they can be more intimated into starting this business. These responses and reactions we get is a motivation and we thank you. It is good to know some of us are taking issues here very seriously now and that we do not just take this platform as that which we see in school, and read because we have to read. We are not all about the theory. We recognize the practical aspect and we have started tapping into the opportunities surrounding us. We look around us and tap into the opportunities surrounding us and see how best we could turn such chances into a money making venture. THAT IS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE and it is what we preach here. We say a big thank you to the people that have called. We are sure to have responded to a few in boxed messages. We also are good now as we are closer to some of our readers and friends, some of whom have visited, some of whom we have met in person and some of whom we have shared ideas and rubbed minds with and have discussed methods of raising and drawing and developing business proposals and proposition and how best to raise funds to start businesses. This is getting more interesting by the day as we see some living talents who have been hiding picking up that courage and coming on to light. We see those who are full of ideas but do not know how to start and where to go so they can actually put these ideas to practice. We also appreciate those who have called and in boxed in respect to the expected finance from the government again. We have brainstormed with a few friends and colleagues and everyday we talk to people on issues of this kind, we are further encouraged and more passionate to see more of our friends succeed and claim their own share of our own democracy. We do not just sit, condemn and complain. It is the reason we are educated. It is for us to be confident. It is actually what put us ahead of the ordinary market women. Nowadays our market women come to light and talk and claim what is rightfully theirs. We all should stop saying the time is not now. The time is ripe and it is now. You may continue to call us on 0706-192-4666 or you send mail to phemolad@yahoo or inbox OLONADE ABRAHAM OLUFEMI or BUSINESS ENTERPRISE WITH OLONADE ABRAHAM OLUFEMI. Please we receive calls between 1p.m and 5p.m week-days only. SPECIAL NOTE: If you buy and drive the biggest HUMMER or the NAVIGATOR JEEP with the strongest fog lights, you will not see Abuja from Lagos; as you move the car and cover your space the path begins to open and as you drive on the coast becomes clearer. That is what life is. You do not see what the future holds for you by being stagnant and trying to see your future from afar. You take a step and as you move on in life, through the hurdles and the challenges, the path becomes clearer and from some of the mistakes you have made along the line, you begin to understand life in relation to your person more and as you grow older, you can carve a space for yourself and say THIS IS MY PATH; THIS IS MY FUTURE! That moment where you can see your future is where you have set for yourself a target. Please, follow your heart at this point and with God on your side, begin to attain. Let no one deceive you. Anyone can run and own a business regardless of your educational background. Forget the formalities; forget the designer shoes and ties. Life is a cross we all have to bear. Do not expect anyone to carry your cross for you. There is that period in life where you will have to carry your cross alone, all by yourself, no Mum, no Dad, no Relatives and no Friends. You will at a point carry your cross alone except for that person who is not destined to be great. Never regard the period as being neglected or as the end of time…IT IS YOUR TEST PERIOD, YOUR TRIAL PERIOD, IT IS ONLY YOU AND YOU ALONE. Running a business is a practical thing. The spirit is in the inside of you. Just loosen yourself a bit and develop the courage to talk to a few of the right people, not the arrogant ones in ties. Please, do forgive my language here as it is not all people that are formally dressed that are arrogant. Do not be afraid of failing. IF YOU HAVE MADE NO MISTAKES, YOU HAVE MADE NOTHING….and remember; IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL YOU WIN. If you continue to believe and trust in your self, your spirit and the power of God in you, sky is your limit. Seize all opportunities to learn a lot about everything BUT put more effort in trying to know all about one. REMEMBER: When it is your turn, the lord becomes a shy person; he treat your cases just like that….No quarries! THE TOPIC OF THE DAY: TRADE IN WATER, JUICES AND OTHER BEVERAGES (2): We thank our readers who have been following up on our articles and discussions. We say thank you for your mails and messages. We want to especially thank those who have shown the love in sending post as regard to our health issues. The situation has been well taking care of by our God and we are gradually settling down into doing business again. Th...e lord be praised. SETTING UP A FACTORY TO BAG WATER: Water bagging, packaging and sales would have been a simple and easy process if not for the regulations that come with the production. Every person that is graced to own a house for him struggles to dig a borehole where he naturally sources the water for his domestic use. Today we have advanced in technology such that we do not just dig that water source we call a well, put in a submersible or surface pumps and that is it. We have advanced to digging the borehole and not only that, the water goes through a kind of process line of treatment before our consumption. The water that is the end product in our homes today if the installation is the advanced technology we are talking already is the type of water that is approved by NAFDAC for consumption, difference being the added effort to package for the purpose of sales to those people who are less privilege to have a treated water line. The rate of typhoid is high. We all know that a high percentage of bacteria that causes this ailment come from the water we drink when not treated and boiled before drinking. Your interest in embarking in this business will not only be a money making venture, you will have been morally appreciated for not just providing jobs for a few jobless Nigerians but would have gone a long way in helping to reduce the rate of the spread of typhoid. WHAT ARE THOSE FACILITIES I NEED TO START? You will need: (1) A functioning borehole and a water survey report. (2) The raw water tank. The capacity now depends on volume you wish to run. (3) The space in a building to house your packaging machines and the ultraviolet light. (4) The sand filters, the carbon filters and the micro filters. (5) The scaffolding to mount the tank for storing your treated water. The capacity which will be decided by your self and the consultant you have employed to assist in the execution of the project. I DO NOT HAVE MY OWN LAND NOT TO TALK OF A BUILDING TO OPERATE: We are only trying to expose you to a simple process of humanitarian service while you make money for yourself and a good investment into your future. We also are at the same time trying to change people’s orientation to life. Some people will not mind paying N4 million naira or more yearly for the purpose of renting an apartment to stay on the island, yet they do not have a land to themselves not to talk of the thought of building for themselves their own homes. How sad! The unfortunate truth is that you can and will do this business on your own personal effects only. We will not advice that you plan a lifetime investment on another man’s facility even when you have gotten the facility on mortgage where you hope the facility will be yours at the end. You just must have fulfilled and serviced your own part of the agreement before the facility becomes yours before you may want to do business on it. The good thing is that a good businessman likes to distance his home from where his business is. The distance gives a chance to think and meditate on improvement and other factors. This is a situation that would have been possible only outside the premises. The good businessman while retaining that house on the island will come to the mainland in areas we have land for cheaper rates to establish for him a base to do his business and plan his future. We all know aside the cost of the land which varies from place to place, in Nigeria here, to build a two bedroom bungalow cost between N2.5 million to N3.0 million on the average. The same amount it will cost you to build the water production factory and if you are good in resource management will give the room equally for the packaging and the sales of juices as well. INITIAL START UP COST: The cost of starting up will vary as ability to negotiate varies. We know you will engage the service of a consultant but will give the guidance of what the likely cost will be to prepare your mind. Those facilities needed are: (1) Land; This will depend on the location, your luck and the ability to negotiate. (2) Building; as we have discussed. The initial state is about same cost as that which will build a 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow. (3) The total cost of building a borehole and the survey report. (4) Erection of scaffolding and acquisition of storage tanks for both the raw water and the treated water. The capacity for these tanks now depends on the volume you have been advised to run by your consultant. (5) Purchase of packaging machines and ultra violet lights. The cost range from N400,000 to N700,000 depending on the make of the machine. Just one machine is advisable to start with. You may want to add to this as the market begins to know your product too well you do not need anyone to advise you before you double your capacity. It is good to always start small to control and understand both your product and the market well. Consultants naturally like to spell big projects advising you start very big. You should be careful at this stage and not be misled as a man will not because of the added money he wants to make mislead a fellow man. It is unfair. Let your activities direct and dictate the future of the business for you. (6) Sales vehicles; One single and very sound pick up van i.e. Dyna pick-ups is enough for a start. The more machines you are advised to start with, the more vehicles you will buy as your stock may want to exceed what you will sell at the market. The problems that come with managing the overheads and especially your markets at this stage is not yet well understood. Your consultants can not predict all of them, he is not God. He can only relate some experience to you and advise, the experience of Mr. A may vary from that of Mr. B. Let your market dictate your level of production. (7) The packaging materials. The polythene resins and the B.O.P.P material to be used and the designs for packaging your water are of different grades, density and designs. We have certain densities of polythene that is approved for packaging of pure water. The various chemicals in the materials used to produce these items are measured as we have certain chemicals that a high volume of them in food material have become poison. Never be scared at this stage as the issues will be handled by the polythene production factories who have due knowledge of conforming to standards and designs that is NAFDAC approved. The packaging material is a very important factor as it is a major reflection of the kind of persons and the level of exposure and understanding of the producer. You should therefore be very careful to make your product presentation as neat and as presentable as possible. We have people who are majors in product packaging and designs. I am sure you know this and will make consultations on these where necessary. (8) Product registration: This is another factor that cost money. Your product will not be registered by NAFDAC unless you have met with certain factors that you must conform with. Your consultant will take you through on this. The most important is to register your business or company name while you make arrangement to register the product name and other factors which are outline by the office of NAFDAC. You may not want to leave everything to your consultant alone. The office is open to all. You just walk into the office and make your intentions known. It is only the head office that is at Ikoyi, we have branch offices in all the states of the federation. You just walk into these offices at your leisure and get the details. I promise you, the process of product registration is not as difficult as you think. In fact, it is good you liaise with NAFDAC before the location and the construction of your production factories as there are some areas where NAFDAC will never allow for foods production. The environment and the activities in that area may not allow for this. These are very mandatory issues you must tackle first before any other thing. (9) Other facilities involved that has not been discussed shall be advised by your chosen consultant. OTHER PRODUCT ADVANTAGE THAT COME WITH THIS TRADE: On Friday, we shall discuss other product that go well with this product and will bring for us much more money in this same line of business and will naturally mean we are utilizing our machinery to the highest capacity. That is the production of bottled water, the distillers. The fruit juices, the yogurt drinks, and probably some wines and spirits. WE WISH YOU HAPPY MID-WEEK. You may continue to send mails for more inquiries, additions, advice and subtractions to Abraham Olonade Olufemi, Business enterprise with Olonade Abraham Olufemi, or phemolad@ yahoo. We thank you for your time.See More
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 05:24:19 +0000

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