MONDAY 17/8/13. OTHER PRODUCTS THAT GO WELL WITH THE PURE WATER TRADE: A SECRET TO SUCCESS! Ola lewo laso,ogo laso ileke, iyin legun leshin, awamarigi lolodumare. We are sorry we could not come up on this platform last week Monday. We were actually on a project of a client, a relative and a friend somewhere in Lagos that took almost all of our time. This week we shall be somewhere in Oshogbo on another assignment of a friend and a reader of our piece too. We have received plenty of mails and our promise is we shall attend to all. Do not be discouraged by what may seem a slow response. We are not like that. It is a promise that we shall attend to all requests and treat within the shortest period. We hope our readers understand and bear with us? Those who have requested we help in writing a good business proposal in order to access funds and some of whom have requested we open them to some business secrets, all we shall treat. IT IS OUR PROMISE. OUR FEES: We treat some cases free. Some cases come with very reasonable charges, e.g. cases that involve us traveling, lodging in guest homes and all of that naturally attract some charges. We are just very careful we do not compound clients’ problems with charges. We understand their positions before calling on us and adding to problems is clearing the little funds that are expected to start business with but the truth is that in most cases, nothing good comes free. We are approaching the last quarter of the year again, when did we enter into the New Year? The year is fast running to its end and most are afraid we have not recorded something very tangible for this year. We all are in the hustle we do not have time for fun now. Majority of us do not even visit the social websites for fun and relaxation again…All our minds are so busy that we forget the most important; PRAISING THE LORD. We give nothing but praises to you Lord. Who do we compare you with Lord? You that created the heavens and the earth, The Lord who is always there with us. The lord who performs all the miracles through us. The Lord of lights who shed lights on our routes all of our days; EVERYDAY. If not for you Lord, how will our lives have been today? We give praises to you lord as our tomorrow and the next and our forever is in your hands Lord, our future is secured, our persons is secured, the mighty man in battle has guided us and our families. He treats all that concerns us a priority because we are the apple of his eyes, we are his favorite. Because we are the apple of Gods eye, he overlooks our shortcomings, he overlooks our sins and whenever we continue to worship, adore and appreciate his works and miracles in our lives, he naturally washes away those sins. Be full of praises to the Lord and see WHAT A BEST FRIEND THE LORD CAN BE. A contentment lord as we thank you for using us to touch the lives of many. For through us and the help of the lord, The Lord’s purpose is fulfilled in the lives of many. They have moved and have found a good meaning to their lives. That we have acquired more experience and knowledge in the process we say THANKS TO YOU LORD. We are not wiser than God, but how many of us know that as strong as the lord is, he becomes weak and very loving and deeply emotional when we wake up in the morning, do nothing but are full of praises and worship to him either we be Christians or Muslims, we just but worship and appreciate him. The lord’s best food is PRAISE not everyday request upon request. JUST PRAISES. Some of us do not know how to pray but when we play worship songs on our sound systems in the mornings and we follow the rhythm in spirit, WE HAVE WORSHIPED, WE HAVE PRAYED AS OUR ENVIRONMENT IS FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE POWER OF GOD HAS CONSUMED OUR BEING. We are set for the day’s hustle; we are set for whatever challenges that day may bring. Our mind is fully exercised and is stronger and we are ready! We forget all of our troubles, our challenges, our fears and all that we do is to praise him. That person we owe money does not scare us. That house rent we have not paid does not scare us. That our kiddies’ school fees that troubles our minds does not scare us. That our building project we have not completed does not scare us. That our car that needs to be changed because of everyday problem is no longer a challenge. All we do is wake up and appreciate God and leave him to do the rest. HE KNOWS ALL OF THESE TROUBLES. Put in your little best and let the lord plan the rest of your future for you. He sees all of your troubles before you ask him. The lord is not deaf and he is not blind, and he knows and has seen all of that which concerns and troubles your being. LET YOUR MIND BE. You only shorten your life when you think too much of all of these challenges. CAN THERE BE A BETTER LIFE MANAGER THAN THE LORD THAT CREATED YOU? Please come off the fears, put your hands in something and the lord will bless the works of your hands. It does not matter what manner of profession you find yourself in as long as it fulfills God’s purpose in your life. The lord knows what your spouse expects of you, what your kids expect of you, what your family and your friends expects from you. What is it that is happening to your person that has not happened to another, so it is written and so shall it be that the great will be faced with so much challenges, the more you overcome the challenges that come your way on your journey to success, the greater and the stronger you become, remember…IF IT DON’T KILL YOU, IT MAKES YOU STRONGER. So it is written and so shall it be. Don’t be discouraged, don’t be scared. Just continue to pray to God to open your eyes to that job which is yours and very fast too. THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IS PRAISE and you shall see that all those achievement that your mates have accomplished in little time you also will make; THE LORD IS THE BEST PLANNER, HE HAS HIS TIME FOR EVERYTHING. If he is yet to answer you as you have requested and expected, he has not abandoned or forgotten you, HE HAS HIS REASONS, and it may be in order to preserve or prolong your life! The lord continues to pilot your way to success and as you read and assimilate this tradition of praise, all things will come easy in Jesus name. TODAY’S TOPIC: PACKAGING OUR PRODUCTS TO OUR BEST ADVANTAGE: We have discussed the production and bagging of the normal pure water. This is a starting point for us in this business. If we do not have all the funds from the budget our consultant has prepared. It is advisable we run the simple bagging style for a minimum of twelve months before we introduce other brands so our cash flow is not altered. If we however from our budget see that we could go ahead to package these product in different volume and shapes, why don’t we go ahead? We know our government has promised different options like the SURE P and YOU WIN but how many of us have been able to access these funds? Government says like 2,000 persons will benefit from each state. Are the funds truly coming? Whatever the plans we have we package our financial plans and if the government funds eventually role in, we assume it as a way the lord has chosen to compensate us the more for initial efforts. In the meantime, we make our singular attempt without fear. The bottom line is we take it up one step at a time. No need for the rush. After all we are still in some form of engagement that keeps us busy, this is just a future plan. For those of us who are independent, I say we start now. We introduce into the market the normal bagged pure water. Other packages are the pet bottles and the water jars especially for our water dispensers. These are other packages and other options to improve on the volume we run and improve on our production capacity and the share of the market. We advise that interested persons do further researches on this and be more confident in the business before they go into the business, we just cannot talk everything on this platform. PRODUCTION AND SALES OF JUICES: Production of fruit juice is as simple as the juice we make in our homes. The difference here is that we have to just as in the case of water production and sales put in extra efforts in the areas of packaging. The major players in the industry have been able to make an edge over others as they have good funding to do the good product registration and branding. You too can make that extra effort on your franchise and perfection of this product type and brand. The majors we have in product branding will help you through all of these. WHAT ARE THOSE ITEMS I NEED TO MAKE AND SELL FRUIT JUICE? You are already into the production and sales of pure water. It is therefore easy to continue from there. You see, I smile when I see how we deceive ourselves in the business world all in the attempt to make money. Do you know majority of our juices have their product formulation claiming the content is 100% fruit juice, no additives, no sugars, no flavours. Some may even say no water; a white business lie. When you look at the content of some juice, the content weighs about 1litre and it is sold for N250. An orange for instance sell for N50. Do you want to tell me just five oranges will fill a pack of 1litre of orange juice? It is easy for an intelligent person to know this as a business lie. What actually makes 1litre of that juice is not only the orange. Some other substances have been added to make up the volume. The truth is that majority of our juices do not come with natural fruits at all. We have in them additives, concentrates, water, sweeteners, and sugars and culture them, preserve them, and sell them. These are simple business ideas which we all engage in naturally to make money and we are most times correct and okay by right. No offense whatsoever. The product as artificial as they may seem are still consumable and safe for our system. It is therefore no news that majority of our fruit drinks if not all are not natural to a 100% except for those juices we make by ourselves at home. The juice we make at home, we may need to add some amount of sugar too and water before they are suitable for drinking. In this regard, some of the producers and manufacturers may be on their right when arguing this as the process is almost similar than the natural juices we prepare by ourselves in the comfort of our homes. The yoghurt too, the milk we use, the product quality differs from the normal milk we consume in our homes. We are not saying all of these products are not fit for consumption, please; do not get us wrong, we are only exposing us to the secrets and the gap for making profits in these areas of business. The food you will prepare for yourself in the comfort of your home will naturally be richer that that which is sold to you in public where people hope to make profit. It is that simple. ADDITIONAL MACHINE REQUIREMENT: We need the distillers’ machines to package these water and fruit juices. We need the fruit mixers, shredders and blenders. All of these we can get at the trade fair, Alaba International market and some other markets. They sell some of these industrial machines. We have more sellers and distributors of these machines who do advert on our news papers almost on a daily basis. We could get all other information in respect to acquisition of these machines. All of them are ready to deliver to your factory. After the treatment of our water, the next stage is the mixing of the concentrates, the fruit juices, sweeteners, preservatives and flavours. There are different packaging materials. Some packaging materials will be designed in such manners as it protects the products from rancidity. Some come in clear and transparent containers but the bottom line is let the product packaging, branding, product batch formulation and all others conform to the NAFDAC and SON standards. THE MARKET: We describe the market for all of these products as where all edible goods are sold. Aside the production of water and juices, wines and spirits go through the same process of production, batch formulation, mixing and packaging. Until you get a good consultant who will take you through all of these product formulations, all may seem to you like magic but it is not. Olonade Abraham Olufemi does not have all of the product formulation. He has some, he has not gotten there. He is still going on in his research and is hoping a few more of us are up and doing in all of these assignments too. People come up with different options and findings on a daily basis; everyone with his own product mix and end product. Gone are the days when we all follow suit the same system of making fried rice and jollof rice. Today, people have developed different methods and approach to this and have developed different recipes and more and more recipes are coming up on a daily basis. That is innovation; that is business development. We do not all go in the same manner of approach again. We follow different routes and still arrive at the same base. We know that at this point, a lot of us already understand where we are coming from and understand beyond where we have discussed and are making up their minds in not just brushing through all of these but thinking seriously on setting up. We wish you luck. LET US PLAY: U know, I found it shocking and pretty disappointing when Cleo was asked what she would do with $300,000.00 and she mentioned shoes! Let me assume she never expected the question or is it a proof that some of us do not really know what to do with good money? Hearty congratulations to Dilish and her man. We have in her now beauty plus money. She is a very decent young lady too. She was able to compose herself through out the contest and I am sure this is what gained for her enough love from the public. I am happy for her. We thank you for your time. We talk next week.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 13:45:02 +0000

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