MONDAY 28/10/13 THE MILLIONAIRE PHOTOGRAPHER (Part 4 CONTD). USING PEOPLE TO DO OUR PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS FOR US. I say to myself this morning; “lord, I will not end this year like this”. I hope you say same to yourself; “Lord, I will not end this year like this”. You may think you have achieved all your expectations for the year. You know, at the beginning of the year, you made yourself a target and all these targets you have met, so? Did you make room for others in your target for the year? See, you may be a blessing already. Being a blessing to others make you a better person. It makes you an achiever. When you are blessed and it does not reflect on others, it is no blessing. Let no one assume your future for you. Some people will use your position today to judge your future for you, LET THEM BE. You only and your God knows what you want for yourself and if that trust and belief in yourself is there, You will be what God wants you to be. Be a blessing for all to see. Do not loose your track. Be bold, be confident and be you. I say to myself every morning, Abraham I am a success. I do not think otherwise. I do not let what others feel about me bother me. I let them be as they have their right to their freedom of speech and expression and they are entitled to their own opinion too. My name is Abraham, the Abrahamic blessing is mine. My other name is Olufemi, meaning, God loves me. My mum usually tells me, son you know why I gave you those names, she told me a story as it relates to my birth. It is a very touching story that I may not want to discuss here yet. I say God, I may not be there yet but I see myself an achiever. I see my future, well above the skies and if I must get there, I must learn how to fly. I must be free in the skies just like the bird. When a baby pilot is launched into space the very first time in his career, no matter his level of theoretical knowledge, he is afraid as the planes continues to swerve, as he begins to take control of the situation, his confidence is improved and he becomes more balance. That is you as when you start a business, everything becomes so rough you are afraid you might die. Your confidence and the understanding that it is usually like that for a beginner gets you going. You are not afraid to fail. You do not care what those critics will say when things go wrongly. YOU HAVE TAKEN AND SEEN FAILURE A REHEARSAL TO SUCCESS! Being a blessing to others is not a one day thing. When you give people a chance to be gainfully employed under you, you are an achiever. You are a blessing to them as you do not know the number of people that benefit from this person you have given that opportunity to work. The lord for some of these reasons overlook some of your shortcomings, sins and mistakes and for these reasons you are shocked that the lord continues to love and protect you even when you feel you do not deserve the love. You are only careful that the person provides the food for himself as he contributes his quota to the success of the establishment. You do not pay a salary you do not earn. I see anyone who is after your fall replaces you by fire, by force. Remember, THE LORD SAID, YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY. There is power in your tongue. I hope we all remember what we said about getting connected with the power of God. You know; early morning worship or merely making it a habit playing worship songs all mornings on our music systems as we take the shower and prepare for the day’s work. It is by you making sure you follow and keep that space with God all mornings. You know the lord can use impossible people and impossible situations to bring you a miracle. All you need is faith. You belong above the skies and there you shall be and remain in Jesus name. HOW I WISH I HAD THAT TIME AND THE CHANCE TO DO MY OWN BUSINESS? Having a secured job where you get paid whether you work or not as long as you mark the attendance is good. In fact, it is very good and no one is advising that our friends quit their jobs. We never advise such. We only advise that you add to that income that you are making. You are young and are youthful now, it is the best time to make all the money you can and do enough savings and investments in preparedness for that period where you are no longer agile. It is a security. The salaries that come from that job now are stable and it takes care of our living expenditure steadily and not like in business when we are not VERY SURE what our tomorrow will bring. When you get yourself an investment and entrust people their very tactically, you have secured your future and you are a blessing to others. Do not continue to hide behind that excuse; my job will not just let me. We have spent enough time on photography, we shall be rounding up on the topic next week by which time we be discussing other businesses that go well with the trade. It is another chance to do an added business with our jobs and make more money. We have many youths who are in the streets searching for the opportunity to get hooked to a job and at least get busy. Most of these youths we will be surprised are more creative and are more current and more intelligent than us; only if we will trust on some of their opinions and judgments and give them a chance. See, in some instances I used to think I was a genius when it comes to doing things with the computer; when in some cases I have issues and I decide to call the attention of someone else, especially one who is younger, I say Femi, you need some update to do on your person. Last week, I left my job for my workers to manage while I minded some other businesses and other issues. In fact it is the reason I was absent on this platform last week and I truly apologize. I just could not help it. Leaving my work environment once in a while to manage some other issues is giving these youths the chance and the opportunity to prove their worth. It is giving them the challenge and let them know how well they could manage if the business was theirs. My protection is the trust I have in them, though I do not advise that as a businessman you trust a fellow man of the flesh to a 100%, the training I have given to them and my guided books and records of accounts which of course I monitor from time to time. They know you are testing their ability. They know you will check the books immediately you return and as such the thought of stealing at those periods you are absent will not come up. In addition to this you are sure that even in the event of sickness, your work is going and this is enough reasons for you to want to stay alive and get well soon. The secret is it is the reasons very rich men do not die quick! The greatest motivation a man can have in an assignment, a business, a job or a trade is him having a passion for that business. Once you love a business, no matter the level of starting frustration, you do not want to stop. You see other people who are in this trade succeeding and continue to wonder why you cannot succeed. You continue to put more efforts. When you are getting for yourself a partner in whatever you do, test his level of passion for the job. Please never make the mistake of entrusting your work to one who grumbles about the job all the time. The passion for what we do is success in what we do. Whatever trade or business you find yourself in, whatever you can do, another person can do it. We make that mistake when we believe the world ends at our feet. The lord who makes all things has done a perfect job. He has made replacement for every person. You are therefore making a mistake when you think no one can be like you. You make a bigger mistake when you feel no one can be a better person in that thing you do. The Lord has given some people money so they are of help to the less privilege, and put them in that position to manage their monetary affairs for them. The fact that the Lord has entrusted you with these funds and cash does not mean you are the wisest. You should therefore count yourself loved and privilege by God for God to have put you in that position. Love people around you. We know the ways of men, you can never satisfy them. Whatever you do for a man, you have not done enough. Our lord Jesus Christ upon all his miracles, his love and wonders, a murderer was chosen above him. His people preferred him crucified. If our Lord Jesus could go through such hatred displayed to him by the people he loved, who then are you? That is the way of man. Whatever work we do, we seek for a foreman. It will be that person who can with or without us to an extent perform those duties as if it was us. This person can be a real pain in the neck. He is a treat to us and even our businesses. He is a form of competition to us most of the time. Reasons, he is most times advised by friends and relatives why he cannot be like you, he knows the business inside out close to a 100%. What then holds him from getting the funds and start the business on his own somehow? It is a major challenge we agree but shall we say because of this we won’t have someone who will do our businesses for us in our absence? In the event of sickness for instance, must our business fall sick too? Please, let us not be deceived, we cannot do but have a second best in our businesses. If we just must be consistent and remain in business; there must be a foreman. I AM ON A JOB; TELL ME HOW I COULD POSSIBLY RUN PHOTOGRAPHY? We shall be very brief on this as we have discussed this under some earlier topics how best we can use people to do our businesses for us. We are engaged in some other people’s jobs where we are getting paid and we do not want to loose these jobs yet. We therefore engage plenty of caution in selecting someone to be us in our absence and do our business as if it was us. The Mobile Photography: Today we use the digital cameras. It is no longer the analog where we just buy roll of films that are easy to monitor. Once a picture is taken, it is done. We are not afraid to release our cameras to any trained person to take the shots for us while we do the printing and can easily take accounts of pictures taken. Analog pictures are fixed in the roll of films and cannot be deleted or erased, as such it is easy to monitor and trace the likely income from such transactions. To get a digital camera is easy and to get a person who will snap pictures in our place is easier, how we monitor this person and keep track of all pictures taken since pictures can be deleted and edited without us knowing is the challenge. How can we be sure the person is not printing in our absence and claiming all of our monies? The truth is we cannot monitor this to a 100%. The best means of approach is to rent out our facilities, i.e. the cameras and the printer at this stage to our photographer and let him do the mobile photography. Let him perform the duties by himself and at the end of the day a commission agreed is paid to you. Here you mind is at rest and you can mind other issues and businesses to your best ability. OTHER SECTORS OF THE BUSINESS: As we have earlier said, photography is a very wide profession and attempting to cover all sections and sectors bores some of our readers who may not be interested in the particular trade. We therefore advise as we usually do for people to mail or call when they have the need for additional information or further questioning into any of our topics of discussions. All other divisions and sectors of photography we get workers for. We have discussed setting up and operations in respect to the various sectors and sections of the business of photography. An investor who wants to do the business and is in another person’s job will engage for himself a general manager who will perform the role in his absence. The appointment of this person should be selection based on merit. We do not appoint a person to hold this position simply because he is a family or a friend. In fact engaging some of these people in our businesses can be dangerous. The person who is to hold the position for us must be that person who is highly experienced and gifted in the field. He should share the same dreams and aspirations with you. His passion for this line of business should be very deep. Every business person does research and update self on product presentation and performance. The general manager we have appointed knows the importance of selecting the best persons for our jobs, right from the photographers, through the front office person who will manage our reception to our models and other members of the team. The general manager will do our business as if it was his own. We have entrusted him to be able to do the business alone without us. We have measured his character and have tested his hand work, his wealth of experience, honesty, loyalty and the ability to manage the job very effectively. Whatever aspect of photography we may want to venture into, we want to trust that at this stage we know those features and character we expect of whom to handle the roles for us. Selection of workers to very sensitive roles like the front office for instance we want to make ourselves available for the interview as these roles and the role of the accountant and other sensitive roles we do not want to jeopardize for anything at all. Our business will do best in our absence if we have taking the time to be a part of the foundation layers. We do not entrust persons to perform these roles for us. We let consultants do but we ensure we are part of the employing team. This gives the opportunity to know our workers very deeply and can access the kind of a job we could entrust them with. Next week: We shall be rounding up this topic by brushing through event recording, presentation and reporting. Join our group: Like us on BUSINESS ENTERPRISE WITH OLONADE ABRAHAM OLUFEMI. Share ideas on businesses and other activities as it affects our lives. Simply type BUSINESS ENTERPRISE WITH OLONADE ABRAHAM OLUFEMI on the friends search column on your facebook page and like us. You then continue to follow us up and get more informed on issues as it affects us. Send us mails too at phemolad@yahoo we are always available to answer most of the questions you ask if not all. The Lord blesses you this week. I remain your friend, Olonade Abraham Olufemi.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:57:55 +0000

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