MONDAY 9-9-13 ~ Hosea 11:5-8 ~ Will the not return to Egypt and - TopicsExpress


MONDAY 9-9-13 ~ Hosea 11:5-8 ~ Will the not return to Egypt and will not Assyria rule over them because they refuse to repent? Swords will flash in their cities, will destroy the bars of their gates and put an end to their plans. My people are determined to turn from me. Even if they call to the Most High, he will by no means exalt them. STUDY BIBLE: The northern kingdom survived for only two centuries after its break with Jerusalem. Its spiritual leaders & political leaders did not help the people learn the way to God, so as a nation they would not repent. Hosea prophesied its downfall, which happened when Shalmaneser of Assyria conquered Israel in 722 B.C. Judah also would go into captivity, but a remnant would return to their homeland. THOUGHTS: A person is smart but when thrown up into a group they can become less intelligent when they allow themselves to be led off God’s path by the person they look to for leadership. When leaders are put into power, whether it be at the pulpit, politics or an organization & they do not lead by relying on God for guidance & leadership, do not have attitudes or lifestyles that portray their love of God they cannot lead people to Christ. They are like false prophets promising & providing, for a time, things that appeal to the majority of their group for personal gain while leading their followers away from God & towards sins darkness. When this happens their followers have no desire to repent & follow God’s word, His laws or His intent that we should live our lives to please Him – they have chosen the glamorous sin of their sinful leaders who seek monetary, political or self-centered desires at their expense. We are taught in our Bible to question everything. Instead of mindlessly following the crowd we need to determine if the ways of the crowd or our peers is in line with the laws of God & teachings of Jesus. The only way to find out is to read & study our Bible, attend church regularly & question what is being taught from our pulpits, fellowship with believers so as we can attain a more faithful walk with God & wake up to the happenings around us in our world today. Our church is blessed with a pastor that provides us with scriptures of his sermon & encourages us to question everything. In our town on Sunday mornings you will find at a busy intersection a group of Mexican men holding signs that read, “REPENT, Jesus is coming soon.” We are told that when all have heard of the Good News He will come again & His warnings surround us at every turn. Missionaries are reaching many people in countries around the world. Put your trust in Him, prepare for His visit or become a victim of the evil one & God’s wrath…
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 13:10:38 +0000

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