MONDAY. FEBRUARY 16TH, MR. CHUCKY RETAINS HIS TITLE! From the desk of Ms. Ting of the GROUND SOURCE, sourcing out what the GROUND is saying about Mr. Chuckys song titled I BELIEVE People of all walks of life who were surveyed, said the same thing and this is a TRUE song with regard to nation building , instead of the same old BULL that has been plaguing Calypso for many years and more IMPORTANTLY, that the electorate are FED UP with the tribal contributions of pulling the nation down in song via, the leadership of the PP GOVERNMENT. On another note ! The Honorable Speaker of the House, Mr. Wade Mark said he received a letter from the judiciary, for whivch they are now saying that no such document/information was sent. . Can you Mr. Speaker show me and the rest of the citizenry that letter? If that letter came from a member in the judiciary via, a set up! Can you name that person? As it is been alleged that The Honorable Senator Larry Howai, Minister of Finance, gave you that letter! Will you confirm or deny that speculation? Do the right thing mr. speaker! Disclaimer! I am in no way I am trying to put/place the Judiciary in any sort of ill repute and under the circumstances of POLITICAL war and as you would see/read on my TIMELINE cover, I AM A CONSPIRACY THEORIST and would not take anything for granted. Could this be a set up?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 17:57:27 +0000

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