MONDAY HANGMANS NOOSE EPISODE 5 : THE DILATORY This Week , we Have Loosened the Noose a little. First of all Let me acknoledge that two lives were lost recently and happened to get into spotlight of the media. One was of a father who apparently raped his daughter and then hung himself. The reason whether being remorse over the rape or failure to stomach the sentence , or other reasons shall remain unknown. It is so sad , two blows at the same time . Loosing a father who abused you. The Second one was of a man in his mid-twenties , who was found hanging on a tree near the fly over along Simon Mazorodze Rd , Harare. Apparently , his feet were on the ground which somehow made it doubtful that the death was suicide. However this article has nothing to do with those kinds of cases. What we focus on here is a metaphor of hanging habits. The types of habits that pull us back , and finding new ones that can push us forward Heres a Question: How do you tell whether you are really tired or you are just being lazy ? Im asking this because many a times I have contemplated to do some work and then convinced myself that Im too tired to do it only to later find that I would have done nothing at all in the end. The question then becomes : How did I get tired without having done anything in the first place ? This is what is called procrastination. Where one Puts off doing something , postponing , defering , stalling , temporizing, being prevaricative and equivocative. How can One get around these things , Well ; The first thing one needs to do is to realize the difference between situations where they are actually procrastinating and when the postponing is valid. For Example : Having performed at a shoW that ended at 11pm , one cant expect themselves to come home and still have the energy to write/compose/create. However having spent the whole day watching television only to sit down to try and write something at 11pm and then find that you are tired , is Procrastinating. Instead of watching TV , you should have being working. Its not so hard to switch off the TV , that computer or that XBOX is it ??? (Yeah yeah , easier said than done) But thats the thing, How badly do you Want to succeed ? If it doesnt make you feel weary and guilty to know that you havent achieved anything as yet amoungst the little you claim to desire , then I dont know what you are doing here. I mean what you are doing here as in on this very paragraph. Those who are not willing to learn have skipped this status update , You didnt. So whether youd like to admit it or not, we all learn from each other and that the first key. Learning. Learn to let go of the little distractions. I have a motto that I always recite to myself when ever I find myself procrastinating. Hesimbe hwega hwandinawo ndehwekuita Husimbe (Im too lazy to be lazy) I sort of hypnotised myself by telling myself that If ever I say that phrase , I should get up and do what ever I set out for myself to do , whether I feel like it or not. Guess what , It Works !!! The moment you start working on something , all those feelings of stalling tend to go away , especially if you do not give them room to debate their case. The Deputy Headmaster from one of the High Schools that I attended used to say , Punishment First then explaination later. Especially for you Mr Tati. I know with that slick tounge of yours , we just might end up not getting anywhere here. Im beating you up because you found your way into my office , not because of what you are being accused of. I tend to think the same ethic can apply to work. If you give your distractions a chance to explain and argue why they offer a better deal than work , they will win. Distractions tend to give immediate results and satisfaction hence they are admittedly more attractive . Dont allow yourself to think in the short term realm. If everything that attracted each other was going to be together simply becoz they attract, the earth would have been destroyed. The North pole and the Southpole attract but they compromised to keep a distance because of a lot of other things in between that matter much more. Dont be a Procrastination Addict. Set Deadlines for yourself and Make sure you meet them. Be in the Nike mode everytime and Just do it. (unofficial Advert or Copyright infringement , I gave acknoledgement . If they sue me , Ill be famous (^^^) ) If you have been convicted of the Habit of being Lazy , heres a rope , go and Hang it , lest the justice system shall Hang you !!! But Tatis just a Poet , what does he Know anyway ??? But Yoh , thats Just My opinion . The kind That could get my Career Lynched , Hanged , executed , strung up , Guillotined , Sent to the Chair, Put before a Firing Squad, beheaded , electrocuted, the scaffold , the gibbet , the Rope , THE NOOSE But Go ahead , Hang Me !!! (Ok , not Me , just your opinion of me) Ive just loosened another Shackle. #MondayNoose
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 11:22:43 +0000

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