MONDAY MAYHEM RESULTS AND POINTS Match 1: AJ Styles vs Surprise - TopicsExpress


MONDAY MAYHEM RESULTS AND POINTS Match 1: AJ Styles vs Surprise opponent - MR KENNEDY- Aj entered the ring and got ready to see who he would face.....The arena went black, the music hit......MRRRRRRR KENNNNNNNEDYYYYYY. Mr kennedy Entered the ring. The two battled back and forth. Aj Hit some high flying moves, kennedy hit some powerful a turn of events Aj caught Kennedy in a daze and quickly hit the styles clash..... 1-2 KICK OUT. Aj Quickly went to the top where he received a quick punch to the gut knocking him from his top rope stance. Kennedy grabbed him put him on his shoulders and went up top to deliver the Green bay plunge. kennedy covered styles 1-2 KICK OUT. AJ wouldnt stay down but as he got up Kennedy delivered a quick jerking Mic Check and covered AJ for the victory. Match 2: Ralph Shamrock vs Ted Debiase jr W Virgil & Million Dollar Man - TED DIBIASE JR - Ralph enters and waits in the ring as he watches all three members of Money inc walk down the ramp together. Ted Jumps in the ring feeling confident as both his Father and Virgil both circle the ring like sharks. Ralph quickly takes the fight to ted who tried to put up a good fight but was quickly over taken by the speed and skill of Shamrock. As shamrock ran to the rope his ankle was grapped by the million dollar man and he was tripped. Ted distracted the ref as Ralph got up but Ralph was hit with a quick knockout punch from behind by Virgil who quickly rolled out of the ring. Ted then walked over to ralph picked him up and quickly hit the tail gate party slam and covered Ralph for the three count. As soon as the ref counted 3 Virgil and Million dollar man entered the ring and started stomping Ralph. MUSIC HITS.....Its Chris Benoit and William Regal!!! They run out to the ring but Money inc again flees into the crowd Match 3: Renee Dupree and Silvan Granier vs Doug and Danny Basham - THE BASHAMS - A good back and forth tag team team seemed to have the upper hand. Danny basham had hit some of his signature high flying moves, doug had hit some of his killer neck breakers and La Resistance had put a beating on them both outside the ring. But in the end it came down to Renee Dupree and Danny Basham legal in the ring. Renne had knocked Danny down and went for the french tickler...It was countered into a roll up pin and the bashams picked up the quick pinfall victory. After the match Silvan looked furious. Segment: Jack Swagger was getting a coffee back stage when suddenly Brock Lesnar came up from behind him and attacked like a rabid dog. lesnar did not leave without F5ing Jack Swagger through the table. Match 4: Edge & Christian W Tomko vs Rory and Robbie (The highlanders) - HIGHLANDERS - Edge and Christian fought hard but were somewhat out of practice as a tag team. Between Rory and Robbies double team moves, tag team chemistry and quick tags keeping them fresh they were keeping Edge and Christian at bay. When it looked as if Edge and Chritian may be beat....Tomko pulled Robbie off the Ring Apron and started beating him toa pulp. The ref called for the bell and DQd Edge and Christian who continued to stomp Rory in the ring. Robbie had a comeback outside the ring and fought off Tomko....But when he turned around to go help Rory he was knocked down by a steel chair shot by Kevin Thorn. Thorn rolled Robbie back into the ring and Edge, Christian, Tomko and Thorn stood as the highlands were both laid out in the ring. The lights went out, THE MUSIC HITS. Its Gangrel. He enters the ring and gives both Rory and Robbie his finisher the impaler DDT and annouces there is a new brood here in the JNW toy fed. Segment: Perfect is in the locker room almost ready for his match when suddenly he is asaulted from behind by Jinder Mahal who puts a quick beating on him and quickly flees the scene Match 5: Damien Sandow vs Mr Perfect - DAMIEN SANDOW - Sandow waits at the rings while perfect limps down. perfect tries to put up a decent fight and still to his credit he did. But a fresh Sandow was just to much for the beaten perfect to overcome. After putting more of a beating on perfect a simple Youre Welcome was enough for Damian Sandow to pick up the victory. He kicked Perfect out of the ring and picked up the mic. Sandow called Jinder Mahal out to the ring. Jinder stood in the ring with Sandow and they held eachothers hands up in victory. Sandow Announced that you didnt always have to be bigger, faster, or stronger to win a match, you just have to be smarter. YOURE WELCOME! Segment: Sylvain Grenier goes out to ring and calls Renee Dupree out. As Renee gets into the ring Sylvain goes to shake his hand but pulls him in and quickly gives him the 3 seconds of fame. Sylvain grabs a mic and starts talking about how much of a joke Renee Dupree has made of them with such moves as the french tickler and other dumb show boating moves. As Sylvain speaks to the crowd Renee gets up and mounts an attack of his own. The two brawl back and forth but Sylvain reaches into his trunks and slides on a pair of brass knucks. Soon after he levels Renee Dupree with a stiff shot with the knucks. He picks the mic back up. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN EVERYBODYS LAST PICK, WELL IVE HAD ENOUGH! I AINT ROLLING WITH GARBAGE ANYMORE, YOU WILL REGRET NOT DRAFTING EVERYBODYS LAST PICK SYLVAIN GRENIER!!! He slams the mic down and exits ring Match 6: Marcus Cor Von vs Batista- BATISTA - This win for batista was an easy one, as Cor Von was still a bit injured and shook from the beating he took at the hands of the Miz at the last house show after their match. Both men in this match had hit spears, both had hit shoulder tackles, both had kicked out from eachothers best offencive strikes...but in the end it was a massive batista bomb that carried batista to the victory. After the Match Miz ran out from the crowd and once again delivered another skull crushing finale on Cor Von and announced to the world that The miz is here to stay and he is awesome, and that the JNW toy fed is no place for a guy like Marcus Cor Von Mav: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 zero, Match 4 Zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 one = 2 Points TOTAL = 17 Oyewole: Match 1 one, Match 2 Zero, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 five, promo 1= 8 points TOTAL = 19 Sirkis: Match 1 two, Match 2 zero, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 one= 4 points TOTAL = 24 Kenny: Match 1 one, Match 2 two, Match 3 zero, Match 4 one, Match 5 two, Match 6 two, promo 1= 9 points TOTAL = 34 Lokus: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 one, Match 4 zero, Match 5 one, Match 6 one= 4 points TOTAL = 18 Rafe: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 Two, Match 4 two, Match 5 zero, Match 6 one, promo 1= 7 points TOTAL = 19 Garcia: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 one, Match 4 one, Match 5 zero, Match 6 zero= 3 points TOTAL = 14 Unhappy: Match 1 one, Match 2 two, Match 3 zero, Match 4 one, Match 5 one, Match 6 one, promo 1= 7 points TOTAL = 25 Nighthawk: Match 1 zero, Match 2 zero, Match 3 zero, Match 4 zero, Match 5 zero, Match 6 zero= 0 points TOTAL = 17 Caveman Dan: Match 1 one, Match 2 zero, Match 3 zero, Match 4 Four, Match 5 One, Match 6 zero= 6 points TOTAL = 20 Munch : Match 1 one, Match 2 Four, Match 3 zero, Match 4 zero, Match 5 four, Match 6 zero=9 points TOTAL =25
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:23:16 +0000

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