MONDAY MORNING MEDITATION: The Miracle-Working God of - TopicsExpress


MONDAY MORNING MEDITATION: The Miracle-Working God of Money! You cannot serve both God and money. ~ Matthew 6:24, NIV … In information technology (IT), you can have access to a legacy program of one operating system on another by simply hosting its emulator. For instance, if you are programming for Android on a Mac machine, you can perfectly test your program on an Android emulator running on your Mac. And the app would behave exactly the same as if it were running on an Android device. Really cool! The emulator says you dont really need an Android device, if you dont have one, to enjoy the powers of the Android. … Thats what Money does! Money is Gods most daring emulator. Let me say this with trembling: Money can do most nearly everything God can! God works miracles. And so does Money! Travel around Dubai or New York or Paris for a day and see the miracles of Money! My friend once struck a big business deal. He ran to me and said, Ogbo, even my spoken English has completely changed! Money can automatically bestow on you the American accent! Money says, I can give you EVERYTHING God has promised! You dont have to go through all those archaic Biblical commandments, believing all those outdated Jewish fables! … Think about it: What do Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Aliko Dangote, Richard Branson, Michael Bloomberg, etc need your Old Rugged Cross for? If you are one of the 85 billionaires who control 45% of the planets wealth, theres nothing in Psalm 23 that you cant afford? … Imagine Alhaji Dangote coming before Jesus, kneeling and asking, Good Master, what must I do to be saved? Go sell your ALL your business and property and give to the poor. Then, come and follow Me, Jesus replies him. Will he do it? Nah! So you can understand why it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Its not because of their MONEY. Its because of the RELUCTANCE of their HEART! … Not once, not twice, not thrice did this happen to me: I receive a check for my work and God says, Give it away… everything. I remember reserving some dollars for my familys provision. As soon as we ran out of our miserable naira, I was happily going to mallam to exchange the dollars for naira when the LORD crisply said, Son, give that money for an offering at Church tomorrow. You can imagine my disquiet! I had invested so much expectation in those dollars. I dont always understand this cheerful giver business because as I put that money in the offering envelope, it did hurt! … As you can guess, God is constantly probing our hearts. Our preacher made a startling remark yesterday: Believers are crying that they dont have money while God is crying because He cant find believers to trust with money. How true! I tell you, if some people suddenly receive $1 million this morning, they will NEVER step into church again for the rest of their lives! … During the Great Temptation, Lucifer told Jesus, Why bother going through the dreadful death by the Cross? That Salvation Plan is awful and gruesome! Just bow to me and I will give you more glamor, riches and fame than you can handle! Actor after actor, business mogul after business mogul, musician after musician, take that bow just to become rich and famous. A musician sells his soul to Lucifer to sell his album. How stupid! On his last breath, he loses both his soul and his album. = IS MONEY EVIL? = Capital no! … You might argue that money can buy you a house but not a home… buy you a bed, but not sleep … buy you a clock, but not time, etc. Do you know why I dont join that nice-sounding rhetoric? Because most people who say so dont have money. Money is good! We need to teach that to our children from the start if we must get rid of Africas obnoxious generational poverty. … The late Zig Ziglar often joked, Money isnt the most important thing in life, but its reasonably close to oxygen on the gotta have it scale. Money is your SECOND OXYGEN on this planet. If you have the first oxygen and lack the second, your experience of the planet will be miserable. MONEY IS NOT EVIL. Learn a skill. Serve people. Engage in honest business. There is dignity in earning money for service provided or problem solved. Entrepreneurs are among the most honorable men and women on earth. Without them, the earth will be miserable. Start an honest business TODAY! The only CAVEAT is that Money should never drive us. It is a reckless one-way driver. Let your love for God and your passion to serve people drive you… and Money will come naturally. (Matthew 6:33) … You have heard already: Nigeria is now officially the largest economy in Africa - after rebasing its GDP. But then, the World Bank, a few days ago, placed Nigeria in the extreme poor nation category. Ironic? Not really. … God once told me, Majority of Nigerians think they worship Me but their real god is Money. I was startled! Money is Nigerias Number One god! Millions bow to it and pray to it everyday. Nigerias contemporary history can be summed up in one sentence: They crowned Money as their king, and everything in their country fell apart. … Your attitude toward money is the greatest test of your spirituality. Money or God, who REALLY owns your heart? Are you among millions of Nigerian youth who will hammer by all means? Or are you deliberate in grooming your business and employability skills for honest living? I love you. Be healthy, wealthy and wise!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 06:33:36 +0000

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