MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK (08/11/14) So, every Sunday I stand - TopicsExpress


MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK (08/11/14) So, every Sunday I stand up in front of a group of people and share with them what I believe The Lord has laid on my heart to share. Its a pretty daunting thing, actually, but I am blessed to lead a very loving and understanding congregation. I knew that time yesterday would be tight as we were also hearing from some of our Africa Team members, who had just arrived home from Tanzania. And, briefly, wow, what a testimony it was! Welcome home, team! As I typically do in the hours after a service, I dissect just about everything. Ill admit some of it probably borders on unhealthy at times, but its basically how I tick so I simply try to filter it all through a God-shaped lens (vs. my own). Thinking through yesterdays message, I honestly feel like I fumbled the closing. If you didnt think so, thats cool, and Im glad! But Ive just been uneasy about it all day, sensing I was rushing it. So, heres a brief nutshell of how I wanted to convey the closing truths related to family and community: - As believers in Jesus Christ, we are brought into a new family, and become brothers and sisters in The Lord. All the good and the bad that we go through in life, we go through TOGETHER (rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep). No one is alone, and we are not equipped to go through this life without community. One of the greatest joys of the Christian life is the opportunity to do that life together, in good times and bad. - As we live this life of community, we find strength, we find purpose, and we find responsibility. STRENGTH: we are stronger together than we are alone. The prayers, encouragement, love, and support we offer one another provides an indispensable means of managing and overcoming the many obstacles life throws our way. PURPOSE: we develop unity as we remain on mission to reach and disciple the people around us. This is a task that requires our corporate participation, not just our individual attention. God has formed this community for a reason, and its not simply to hold an assembly on Sundays. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, 24-7. RESPONSIBILITY: we are linked together as a body, and therefore have a responsibility to other members of the body. Community does not simply involve my needs, but how I can and should be ministering to those around me, both in our congregation and in our community. Church attendance, as an example, becomes a crucial element in our Christian walk, because it gives us an opportunity to engage with other members of the community to communicate love, encouragement, truth, and more. Using the dinner table analogy from yesterday, when someone is missing, it is felt by the other members of the family. We NEED one another. I am grateful beyond words for the community that is being developed at Adventure Church. We are a young congregation, but our church is FULL of loving people. I am looking forward to seeing how God uses this community of faith to impact this area in the years to come. And as we look forward to moving into a permanent space, it is exciting to see these elements of community on full display, because this is an IMPOSSIBLE task outside of Gods blessing and our churchs support. It is a defining moment for us as a COMMUNITY, and that fills my heart with great joy and anticipation. Thanks for reading, and have a BLESSED week! God is good! Live on mission this week, and well see you when the family gathers again next Sunday! :-)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:58:50 +0000

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