MONDAY, Oct 21, 2013 #GraceForCompletion Zechariah 4:9 The - TopicsExpress


MONDAY, Oct 21, 2013 #GraceForCompletion Zechariah 4:9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it... (KJV) The work of rebuilding the temple was to be accomplished through Gods leaders, Joshua and Zerubbabel, who would be enabled to perform their tasks by the Spirit of God (4:6). But in his vision, Zechariah saw Satan standing at Joshuas right hand to resist him (3:1). Of Zerubbabel, it was said that every great mountain will flatten out before him (4:7). Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, was of the family of David. He was born in Babylon, commissioned Governor of Judea by Cyrus, the Persian King; and was leader of the first colony of captives back to Jerusalem. He laid the foundation of the new temple, and began the work of reconstruction, in which he was greatly hindered by Samaritan opposition, and Persian intrigue. He finally succeeded in completing the structure and restored the order of priests according to the institution of David. Doesnt it surprise you how those commissioned of God to accomplish remarkable feats are resisted from all fronts? Many preachers have told new converts that the moment they surrender to Jesus, their paths will be smooth all the way. But many believers are disappointed, and compromise their faith when they see the pilgrims walk surrounded by trials and difficulties. In building a house, foundation laying is always the most tedious and tasking. It may take a long time to lay the foundation because the foundation, though submerged feets and meters below the earth, sustains the edifice. Foundation laying is a dirty but worthy job! Its the most important part of the building. Getting it wrong at the foundation level, or a crack in it, may lead to the collapse of the house. If the foundation is destroyed, the righteous can do nothing (Ps 11:3) Whatever you begin today, theres grace for completion. Since God does not abandon projects, it is in our nature in God to finish strong. Noahs ark was completed amidst mockery. Solomon completed the temple work. Nehemiah completed the rebuilding of Jerusalems destroyed walls. Paul finished his course. Jesus, our Big Brother, finished His assignment on earth. Dont down your tools because of resistance. Every project birthed by any of Gods children is a threat to the kingdom of darkness. Thats why they fight tooth-and-nail to stop the work. Beloved, the devil doesnt know what your future holds. Satan is only in your past and present. SATAN IS NOT IN YOUR FUTURE! God alone is The Beginning and End; The Author and Finisher; The First and Last. [PRAISE GOD!!!] You may be wondering why the enemy fights us if he does know tomorrow. Listen to this: Satan only anticipates/tries to predict what your future holds. He marks the perfect man and anticipates the end/future of that man to be peace, glory, abundance (Ps.37:37). If he could tell the future, he would have stopped at nothing to ensure that Jesus WAS NOT crucified (1 Cor.2:8). He fights to hinder a future he only speculates. He cant know because hes not in God; our lives are hid in Christ in God. Friend, you arent walking alone. Restart that suspended project. Dust your shelf, oil your engines, and rave to go again. Theres grace for you to finish that good work. Remember, beginning is exciting, but finishing is fulfilling. LET US PRAY: Father, I receive divine empowerment by your Spirit to finish whatever I lay my hands on. In Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 07:19:10 +0000

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