MONEY IN THE POCKETS HOW? THIS IS A MILLION KWACHA QUESTION WHICH MOST PEOPLE WANT TO UNDERSTAND. HERES SOME STEPS THAT WILL ANSWER THIS QUESTION. UDF will make a deliberate policy to attract foreign and local investments. It will implement a conducive environment for small and medium scale business by providing soft loans to the populace. It will re-open training bases where the youth who wish to learn some skills will go. Farming will be modernized and make small holder farming commercial. These at the end will bring wealth to Malawians and the country at large, therefore jobs will be created in both industry, shops, farming and small scale businesses. Salaries will be increased and our currency will be strengthened. There will be tough measures to monitor our budgets implementation by other things, making sure that every Malawian is aware of what their tax is being used for and will have the opportunity to correct where monies are going to unnecessary programs. With this monitoring, monies that are being wasted will be saved. To make sure that every Malawian is getting something out of the countrys cake, those who cant manage to work or do business because of old age, lack of any bread winner to some children (orphaned), terminal illness that renders someone irrelevant, those venerable Malawians will have to be looked after by government so that their lives shouldnt remain behind. I hope Ive answered some of your burning questions my fellow citizens.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:55:48 +0000

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