MONEY MAKING IS POVERTY MAKING IN A GOVERNANCE DISCOURSE WHICH IS SILENT MANAGING SMALL BUSINESSES FOR SURVIVAL skills you must know ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hell shall welcome most of you because understanding God shall require you to read further till the end of time. Today, I chose to inspire you using a line I am trained and practice. At my undergraduate, some 10 years or so back, I was trained business. I know many of you are preoccupied in making money. Left governance. This is like clapping while your kid is committing suicide. You will eventually cry at a later time for the big loss. I shared with my brother Kamukama Joseph who appreciates these values as well. We have ignored governance. Kept silent. Accepted to be ruled. I now think you can do better business thus must share with you these tips for you to get successful in doing business. This time no politics but money. 1. Remain focused on fulfilling your business mission. Never allow adversity divert your attention and efforts. 2. Don’t wait till you are big before you begin building your brand. Build a brand from scratch alongside your business. 3. Learn to use your brain power. Critical thinking is the key to creative problem solving in business. 4. Build your own business team. Survival in business requires a synergy of skills. 5. Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it’s the life blood of business. 6. If you are a new startup company, try not to arouse the interest or suspicion of your competition; especially if they are a bigger company. They can crush you while you are still in your startup phase. Lie low while still strengthening your bottom line. 7. Grow internally first. Strengthen your bottom line first before considering external growth. 8. Focus on your business strengths and keep its weaknesses away from the competition or public. 9. Be swift to take advantage of business opportunities. Bigger companies are too cumbersome to move quickly; this can be a competitive advantage for you. 10. Learn to live on the edge. 11. Learn to eat not to live to eat but to eat to live 12. Be creative. Innovate consistently on the little things that the big companies ignore. Little things often make big differences in business. 13. Listen to the customer’s complaint and act fast. 14. Meet regularly with your business team and brainstorm. Intricate business problems are mostly resolved at brainstorming sessions. 15. Run lean; avoid unnecessary expenses. 16. Don’t hesitate to seek external help or advice where need be. Sometimes, it takes an external, emotionally unattached individual to detect your business flaws and render unbiased advice. 17. Follow your instincts and live with the consequences. 18. Avoid litigation. They are expensive and consume loads of time but if you have got a good case and a better chance of winning; then fight it out. 19. Free publicity and word of mouth is probably the best and cheapest form of advertising. Learn to use it to your advantage. 20. Learn to raise capital by any means necessary. That’s your primary job as an entrepreneur. You must continually raise capital from family and friends, banks, suppliers, customers and investors. 21. Seek out strategic alliances; they are essential to growth and provide resistance to bigger competition. 22. And if after all this you eventually fail; don’t take it personal. Don’t be ashamed to start all over again. If you just do these, you will be successful but shall be failed by the business environment that must be shaped by the politics of the time we call governance. I challenge you to become investors on air by ignoring governance. Governance affects everything my brothers and sisters. You are free to make money anyway. Poverty shall also follow you. Keep silent do not discuss governance. Politics is a dirty game. Your poverty, we shall celebrate it if you chose to become poor. The writer is: A Human rights defender in the Mid-western region of Uganda A trained businessman and a practicing one A consultant in organisational development, social research and mentor And a concerned citizen A man who believes Expects very few or no comments and so are likes because appreciates that you hate reading
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:29:55 +0000

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