MONEYLESS SOCIETY (PART 2) :) :) :) 2ND MIRACLE UBUNTU, BANGALORE, INDIA :) :) :) After the 1st miracle of getting access to this building and the 3 acres of land, a 2nd miracle unfolded last week. I want to share this with you hoping to inspire you into creating miracles for yourself, your Ubuntu Communities and your world. Our plan to create the Ubuntu community is as follows. We want to focus on young people, so we have developed a Young World Leader Program. The idea is to connect with schools and empower the youth to create a world which works for everyone by the year 2050. The last 2 weeks, instead of running around like a mad chicken as I normally do ;) , I spent a lot of time meditating and visualizing. I went inside, instead of outside. I kept on seeing a class with 25 students. I kept on seeing an auditorium with hundreds of students. I would see the faces of the students. Eyes shining bright! Inspiration and love present as an experience! . . . . . and then it happened. On Wednesday I bumped into the owner of Fireflies Ashram who was saying goodbye to two people. Five minutes earlier or later and I would have missed them. Great synchronicity! :) One of the two people was the principal of a college in Malleswaram, Bangalore. I asked her phone number and Friday morning we spoke for 45 minutes. It was truly a miraculous call. My only intention was to make an appointment to meet her. However, we talked and talked, shared our life stories, spoke about how our children get brainwashed into consumerism, competition and chasing money and other materials. We spoke about how memorizing some knowledge and then doing a test does not empower our children to create a great world. We talked about how instilling important values and skills, like compassion, care, non-judgment and listening are soooo important. We talked about the importance of EXPERIENCING love, joy and peace of mind, instead of intellectually bullshitting around. ;) At the end of the call she not only invited me for an appointment with her and the board, but also invited me to talk to the 800 students. Not only is this a miracle for starting our Ubuntu Community, it is also a miracle in our 15 year pursuit of the Sustainable World Project. If we can inspire this many students then this can become a dramatic step in getting our vision grounded. Short update of what happened in the last 2 weeks. -Big time cleaning of the building and the land where we are starting the Ubuntu Community. -Preparation work for a training for the staff of the Fireflies Ashram to bring value to their lives, to create a shared vision for the team, to bring more awareness about money and inspire them into the Ubuntu Contributionism model. -Preparation work to bring local, domestic and international students to Fireflies Ashram for various programs and workshops. -Preparation work for visiting a secondary location named Kabini for creating a next Ubuntu Community. TIPS for other Ubuntu Communities -Dont just run around only doing things. Go inside and see your vision for your Ubuntu Community and your world. See it, feel it, meditate on it, pray for it and be inspired by it. I am no expert, but I say when I experience being moved to tears as I visualize the vision, then there is a knowing that I am powerfully attracting / manifesting the vision. -Remember that love is the ultimate power or truth. It is just that our, excuse me, d@mn egoic judgmental conditioned minds are most often in the way of experiencing that love. ;) The ongoing judgment of our Egoic conditioned minds is the biggest pollution on earth and source of ALL problems. So be NON-JUDGMENTAL to each other. How? By dis-identifying from your thoughts. Become the observer in your mind. I know it is difficult not to be judgmental in thought as most thoughts come on autopilot. However we can choose our words and actions. So to say it in a funny way: Think crap but talk and act gold. ;) -Remember that you are so much more wonderful, valuable and powerful than your conditioned mind allows you to experience! I trust you! I love you! Now go and play your game! You have a unique role in this worldwide transition from egoic consciousness to higher consciousness! If you want to train yourself in any of the above then you can join our online training named Get a Life You Love => Get a World You Love. Start here getaliveyoulove Last a big thank you for the core team of Yasmeen, Shanthi and Sunitha. Without your unconditional love, support and encouragement, none of this could have happened. Thank you for being a blessing to our world! . . . . . and very last I want to say the same to you, dear reader of this post, you are also a blessing to our world! . . . . and you have a unique value to provide in our shared journey to a world which works for all . . . . . . so whatever it is spread that love
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 12:08:14 +0000

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