MONGOLIAN BLINDS WANNA HIT SHOWDOWN! By:Oyut Why not to develop disability sport in Mongolia where this special sport development is far behind. It will definitely be great investment for thousands of people who have visual impairments, are on wheelchairs etc. the persons with disabilities who are living in Mongolia are really in need of spiritual motivation and mind change. As showdown does not require much strength and is played indoor, huge number of people could change their mind as a result of enjoying this sport. Effective leisure time and showdown Champion! We all seek for something to create, fulfil or have something to make our life meaningful. When we discuss with each other there are always valuable works to do. just allow me give you one idea. Showdown is a table tennis specially designed for to the blinds enabling them to play by hearing the sound of the ball and concentrating. Showdown is a sport for the blind and visually impaired which could be described as the blind communities answer to air hockey, or table tennis. in the 1960s, Joe Lewis, a totally blind Canadian, wanted to find a sport specifically designed so that individuals with visual impairments or blindness could play without sighted assistance. He ended up inventing the game of Showdown, which now is played by the visually impaired, as well as by the sighted, all over the world. Showdown was an international success at its debut as a recreational sport during the 1980 Olympiad for the Physically Disabled in Arnhem, the Netherlands . International interest was sparked. Today, Showdown is being played extensively in countries throughout Europe, and in a few countries in Africa, Asia and South America as well. In North America, where it was invented, it has ironically been slow to cross the borders into mainstream usage The table is manufactured according to applicable rules of IBSA. The table consists of two pieces that are put up in the middle and connect. The sport is comparatively inexpensive to start up, requires minimal maintenance, and can be played in a room the size of a classroom. The only equipment needed is the specially designed table, two paddles, a special ball into which BBs have been inserted to make it audible, opaque goggles, and a glove to protect the batting hand. The table can be disassembled and stored away if necessary. Should you bring an interest in cooperating with Mongolian National Federation of the Blind, you can contact to following address: “C” Corps of Occupational and Training Enterprise for the Blind People. 3rd sub-district, Chinggis Avenue. Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia Tel/Fax: +976-70044179; 976 - 99121692 E-mail: h.oyuntugs@gmail Contact person: Oyuntugs Bayaraa, Foreign Relations Officer Website: The part should go into text box, please. • 1984 Olympics for the Disabled in Long Island, USA; • 1988 Paralympic Games in Seoul, Korea; • 1990 World Youth Games in St. Etienne, France; • 1990 World Championships in Assen, The Netherlands; • 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona, Spain; and • 1996 Paralympic Games in Atlanta, USA. • Wooden table and aluminium construction. • Easily portable and well made. • Transparent and unbreakable central panel.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:47:47 +0000

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