MONKEY’S PAINTBALL SCENARIO DAY FAQ 2014. (Part 1) ____________________________________________________ Q) What is the basic format of the event? A)This event is a full field scenario event, basically this means that the day is a loosely formatted day of paintball allowing players to operate as they want in order to complete missions, dominate the playing field, and take their tactical play to the next level. The event is broken down into three phases, phase one and three are both 3 hour blocks of play where players are given random missions to complete in order to score points for their team, while incorporating both scenario and tactical play. The second phase is a night mission where teams will fight for survival while taking a more stealth like approach to play in the cover of darkness. ____________________________________________________ Q) How many teams will there be? A) As soon as we get 20 registered players, there will be two equal teams fighting against each other. If we get 30 registered players then players will be split into three teams of up to 40 players. ____________________________________________________ Q) What is the make-up of the teams? A) Each team will be allocated a ‘Commander’ who is issued orders, missions, and game specific information from ‘command’. Teams are broken down into 4-8 man sections, each with an allocated ‘Section commander’, though players my splinter off if desired. One ref will be allocated to each section for the sake of following missions played and completed, though if players are playing solo or the sections are not running missions then the ref will patrol the field instead. Each team will be allocated two team medics to use as needed. ____________________________________________________ Q) What happens if I am eliminated during play? A) A player that is eliminated during play will be required to make their way back to their home base, at which point they can resupply their paint and air, before re-joining the scenario. Respawns will occur every 20minutes on the hour (9:00am, 9:20am, 9:40am 10:00am and so on), this will give players a chance to regroup, recoup, and get a quick rest if needed. This format will also mean that if a base is overran by a team then the attacking team will not face a constant wave of players automatically coming back to life. Players may also be revived by a ‘Medic’ in game. ____________________________________________________ Q) How do Medic’s work? A) A Medic may bring players back to life in game if eliminated, this is done by the medic being in physical contact with the eliminated player, where the Medic will transcribe the players ‘number’ into their log book, and then can remove the hit/s from the player. At this point the player is brought back to life and may enter the game. If the medic is eliminated during game play or while trying to revive an eliminated player then the medic is considered eliminated as is the player that was being revived. Medics may not revive medics. ____________________________________________________ Q) Where does my registration fee go? A) First of all, every player that enters their registration form before early bird cut off will get and event T-shirt to remember the day. Since the event is ran over two days there are 4 meals included in your rego, starting with a Saturday lunch consisting of Monkey’s famous soup and rolls (something we have become well known for), then Saturdays dinner which will be a special buffet style meal lovingly cooked to the standard we are known for. Sunday breakfast will be delicious bacon and egg rolls followed by a Sunday lunchtime meal of a great social BBQ where players can unwind and chill out while telling the war stories that were gained over the previous 24hrs. Free gear hire for players that need anything on the day, or to help new players get out there and play quickly, this includes goggles, marker, pod pack and overalls. With your registration fee we also pay our highly trained staff for the day, buy all the game materials, and pay for event trophies that will be awarded to key players for outstanding play on the day. ____________________________________________________ Q) Where can I stay for the event? A) Camping is free for players both Friday and Saturday night, that way players can just chill out with friends and enjoy the event without worrying about travel and being at the field on time. Players that camp at the field on the Friday night will be offered our usual cheap $5 meals for dinner and breakfast if they want them. ____________________________________________________ Q) What props can be brought by players to use at the event? A) We encourage the use of paint grenades, smoke flairs/grenades (non-flame, commercially brought, non-homemade), radio and communications devices, NVG’s, gillie suits, basically anything that can enhance your scenario play on the day. Banned items include, but are not limited to, knives, flame producing pyrotechnics, and booby traps that can harm or injure players or property. ____________________________________________________ Q) Are there any extra rules for ghillie suits? A) ALL ghillie suits must be inspected and approved by the game director prior to entering the field of play. If you are wearing a ghillie suit, ALL direct hits/impacts count. No broken paint checks! One direct impact ANYWHERE on your body and you are eliminated. (the paint does not have to break on impact). Just be aware that if your ghillie suit is too thick to feel the impact of a paintball and you are eliminated and continue to play on and are noticed by a referee then you be heavily penalised for your team. Please just be aware of this before opting for ghillie suits. ____________________________________________________ Q) Can I use a torch during the night mission? A) Yes you can, but with one slight catch. Players must use filtered light (red or green) and must not use white light, as this is restricted for use by the referee’s and other safety staff. ____________________________________________________ Q) What measures are taken to make sure the day does not devolve into a massive gunfight? A) Firstly, as discussed above, respawns will slow the rate of eliminated players re-joining the game play. Secondly, players are limited to carrying 4 pods and a full hopper at any one time in order to keep the day on the more tactical side. If a base is overran or captured by an enemy team then the ‘Air strike’ rule will come into effect. What this means to players is that once a base is considered held by the enemy then the base ref will declare an incoming ‘Air strike’, where as soon as the next scheduled respawn takes place then every player inside the kill zone is declared eliminated and must make their way back to their own respawn point. This will give teams a chance to retake their base quickly and set up a defensive zone, though be aware that if the enemy backs out of the kill zone before the airstrike takes place they may attack again straight away, so the respawning team must work quickly to re-hold their own base. Lastly, the mission format means that teams will score high points for completing the missions given to players enticing them to play the day and less interested in just randomly running around the field. ____________________________________________________ (Please post any further question below, and I will answer this asap) Derek.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:11:06 +0000

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