MONSTER AND MADAM PLASTIC: ARE YOU FOR REAL? I have discovered - TopicsExpress


MONSTER AND MADAM PLASTIC: ARE YOU FOR REAL? I have discovered that many people are fake in this mundane world. Nothing is original to us any longer. Our thoughts are stolen as we plagiarise other peoples ideas and make them ours. Pour out your mind and be original for once: be the voice, dont be the echo! You dubbed anothers project and dissertation: the only things original to you there are your paper, ink, name and matric number! We write like others, act like worms and live on imitation forgetting unwittingly that imitation leads to limitation! Ask yourself: what is original to you amongst everything you claim to be? We live in a fake world, people are extremely fake, unlasting and unreal: their bodies- altered by plastic surgery, big tummy compressed by body magic to conceal folds and fats, and buttocks padded to look bigger, how dare you stuff up your ass to look bootylicious when men will not stuff up their boxers with banana to look groin-endowed? Fallen breasts with low self-esteem which have naturally succumbed to the law of gravity- (whatever goes up must come down) now elevated and shaped up by metal brassieres, (Oloyan Koste) worse still, some have surgically opened up their natural milk-bags and stuffed them up with silicon! We no longer bear children ourselves, but through surrogate mothers, plastic tubes and incubators, artificial insemination and IVF. We no longer breastfeed our suckling infants but feed them with cow-breast milk, little wonder they behave like animals when they grow up! Legs have now been replaced with prostethics, your face is painted beyond recognition, you look like a village masquerade, face make-over now total repainting with tescoat paints, you mild dwarf: you wear high-heels or should I say you mount a staircase? to look taller, your eyelashes is fake, they are plastic, you erase your eyebrow only to re-draw it with an eye lead pencil- It doesnt make sense! You carry a Nigerian head but a brazilian hair, your smell is not yours as you have bathed and swam in cheap perfume! See your hair; Peruvian weaves, Cambodian attachment and American ointment- only you, 4 continents on your empty head, to whom brain is given, a little sense is expected! That pricey head must come with some common sense! You wear a 300,000 naira worth of hair finishing yet you complain of headache- that is a plot of land you are carrying on your head! All head, no brain but brawn, you carry a certificate you did not earn but received by an accumulation of indefensible marks garnered by sharing your cheap flesh to horny lecturers. Their office table can firmly recognise your back as you have been laid bare on it severally like a butchered cow in the Abbatoir! A certificate should certify knowledge, If the knowledge is not there, what you have obtained is a sham piece of paper! Your skin has been bleached to a European skin like an Eczema sufferer, Yellow by face, dark by ankle and wrist, your hand on your mouth to cover your belch- and you look like you are being kidnapped as your dark hand is a sharp contrast with your lit bleached and bloaching face. Even your blood has witnessed transfusion from generous donors and blood banks, your personality is counterfeit, your career is unreal, you drive rented cars and squat in anothers apartment, you wear borrowed robes you stinking filth! Your lifestyle is borrowed and unsustainable. Your name has been changed and modernised, Bose is now Becky, Bilikisu is now Balky, Suliya is now Suzzy, Seun is now Sean, Abike is now Bike, Lekan is now Lincoln. Oluwafunke is now funky- you abbreviate Gods name, Hmmm. Aremu is now Rems, Adio is now Adios, Funmi is now Gift. Agbolahan is now Hargbourlahan- westerning a Yoruba name, are you that inferior?, Bankole is now Banks. Perhaps the only thing original to you is your DNA! That is If it will be truly yours. Women are now Alapa stainless. Everyone is turning into a teddy bear, a Barbie or a Ken! I am afraid for you for 3 reasons- one, your parents prayers for you would be a nullity- they are praying for Kasali but you now bear KAS! Two, when you meet with Angel Gabriel on the day of Judgement and your face and complexion does not match the picture of you they have in Heavens photo book, dont argue, just go to Hell! Three, If you are now cassandra and Ruth Gbemisola is written for you in the book of life, just go to hell as there is no high court to swear affidavit of name correction, nominal regularisation and name change in Heaven! Living a plastic life is living a fake, unreal and an unsustainable lifestyle. Pretending to be who you are not for primordial and unwholesome benefits! You portray yourselves as comfortable when you are not! Anyone portraying affluence in the glare of lack and misery is living a plastic life! You know plastics are fake, its an imitation, the compression of waste products to make a plastic derivative for temporary use, it melts in the presence of heat. A plastic life is no life! How dare you seek a real husband when everything about you is fake? You cannot be durable If you remain plastic! Be real or remain a carbon copy for life! Tosin Ayo, (The word bank).
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:15:24 +0000

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