MONUMENTAL SURPRISE I’m down at the marina working on - TopicsExpress


MONUMENTAL SURPRISE I’m down at the marina working on Makaira, my cell phone rings and it’s Donna. There is a brown envelope from the company that I have been discussing as being worldwide spokesman. During the last two months, I have negotiated 14 different points that are important to me. As the envelope is opened up, it is a signed contract with Marolina Outdoors, HUK Performance Fishing, their brand Spanish Fly and their camo hunting line named Nomad. As I get back to my home I read the contract slowly and it is the first time in my business career that the contract absolutely reflects what we agreed upon, no changes, no innuendos and no traps. Hey everybody, I did it! I’ve been testing their products for approximately 6 months, I will be doing filming with them very shortly. Everyone take a look at hukgear/, look at their video of Nova Scotia shot recently and look at the company of which I am in. I am now their worldwide spokesman on their design team and will be working on Tred Barta products in the future. I may be handicapped but I am not crippled. Where there is a will there is a way and if one never gives up and maintains a course of integrity, honesty, code, hard work and conscious, good will come. It is a fact that many doors have closed for me, but when one door closes another opens. My big surprise to all of you this year is to just watch me work harder than ever in the New Year and I mean in every quadrant. In attitude, on my diet, physical conditioning and delivering on a silver plate my next book and wouldn’t it be something if I had a TV show? Your friendship and support is never underestimated by me. I appreciate it so very much. Soon HUK Gear will have my face all over it. I can tell you one thing about this company, they love hunting and fishing, they love the people in it and their corporate message and my message in life are aligned. This company does not see my wheelchair, they see the man in it and to that end, I commend them. So check this company out, watch them grow. hukgear/
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:56:15 +0000

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