MOON E.Jacks I saw the moon again tonight He kissed my face - TopicsExpress


MOON E.Jacks I saw the moon again tonight He kissed my face with glowing light And to the clouds with silence round He raised me up from earth to Found.. M.Magoski beautiful moon E.Jacks I was folding in the sand Waiting for the middle of June Waiting for the tide to rise For my ship of treasures to come Soon Soon Soon Dreamers soon we will all be heading to the sea To the siren She calls us to preach redemption Redemption for all! For thee.. and suddenly as fresh as Annas face in a dream I had last night as clear as a door opening up to a field of flowers.. I saw June.. the middle of June to be exact, She was our summer. She is. E.Jacks Lets make this our laughing crowd Our party of sun and burnt skin.. our empty glasses.. Where nothing hurts because we numb loss with love Where we return leaving to the grave from whence it came.. And then we go back.. Back to the darker room Back to the lower lights and stolen smiles The kinder times.. Back to the sweeter memories ..than the ones we make now. M.Magoski And this is why Tonight is a Lucky Moon E.Jacks 10,000 suns have set on us Time smirks at this droplet So we ask the sun to come closer.. To tarry a little longer A little closer so that 10,000 becomes 20,000 So that 1 love becomes 2 You and you and you and you.. I raise my ears I hear a heart 10,000 beats.. Standing screaming singing Live!!! So we do. Ah lucky moon.. E.Jacks My lovely rock isnt so far away.. Perhaps I will attain her someday Until that time comes Ill reel in her low and place her in the sea where we can swim together in a colder glow. M.Magoski Lucky Moon in a Box Like a Stones Throw Skipped Across the Shore Like a reeled in whisper like a Chisled Rock Lucky Moon tonight We float in Her Glow E.Jacks Skinny dipping with the moon She whispers stay. My heart sings in love In truth..I can not escape it Nor do I wish too. For they. Do you know where she goes.. From whence the clouds come? She floats in Fullerton. She floats near.. in the quiet and in the queer.. Revere . My lovely. M.Magoski Is there nothing I can do? Nothing? Oh Nothing Oh Nothing at All. What is it that Keeps you from these Castle Walls? E.Jacks Please come into our castle.. Fly over our moat of broken dreams.. Please float to us always always in the night. I Pray Please stay Stay hidden stay beautiful in the veil of day come visit I pray when the sun goes low.. For my anticipation is only for you My waking hours tire away And I wait I will always wait for my muse la lune Be the Trojan of my dreams Steal away into my height Into my castle. I know places we can go A. Reeves This twining of thoughts.. E.Jacks Take over my sadder thoughts.. make them silent Make them see that sadness is but an expression of need of desire of future pangs.. of the unknown desire for love. The knowledge of truth..that we will never know. That it is okay. Okay to see beauty.. to be filled with its angst and remorse.. the things that the night brings. The beautiful.. sadder things. The necessary feeling. Feel it. Feel. For we know we are alive when we see her.. When we feel. La lune. M.Magoski To Dance To life To Love and toMorrow E.Jacks To glow between the lines The poles of thought Of dreams Darker Strains Refined The city of us Of to morrow Is to dance To life To love.. J.Thomas toMorrow M.Magoski Oh but one more breath One more tomorrow one more the song ends and silence we can hear our hearts beating hard drives spinning like an imploded universe a pearl in a plastic shell E.Jacks If I told you an eclipse was near Would you still love tomorrow Over my thoughts of sorrow Past the end of the dock.. Our lines that interlock? If I told you a train brought me here and gone. Tomorrow Would you fear my leaving Before Ive come? Oh loss Oh god Oh sorrow.. The minutes of time.. the moon she climbs And I stay here Away..far away ..we can hear our hearts beating. J.Thomas Scroll down from the top of your memory bank. If money is time, then find when the Devine blessed you with much more than just a peace Omind or the blueprint to happiness during yester years grind. Selah Wheres the love coming from? Is it heart, is it soul? Scroll down from the bottom of your memory bank. A clean slate. A virgin voice. Which is your hug of choice? Selah M.Magoski Oh, train of cats. Train to the City of Talking Cats. Train to the Freeway Overpass and thru the door the magic door, a world with two moons appears. Minutes slow when the Eclipse is Near and you are on the dock. Below you a rocky Shore a Splashing Crest an Endless Death a one last look, a momentary pause goodbye goodbye Oh, sometimes before I fall into despair come close and whisper clear of sorrow, loss, god and tears of minutes missed.. selah selah whatever will be Will Be E.Jacks Selah. Cest la vie. Oui. Oh, sometimes before I fall into despair come close and whisper softly.. clear.. of sorrow, loss, god and tears of minutes missed, selah Scroll down.. M.Magoski Scroll Down Scroll all the Way down E.Jacks It all comes once.. Down M.Magoski on the floor missed pitches paper balls crumpled up words not given the chance aborted dreams Damn! Who knows? What could have been Who knows what Might have happened Had the words not been crumpled up and tossed away Scroll down. Scroll all the Way Get down on your knees Why? Theres nothing in those dreams Just the Impossible I dont want it to end either, but what choice did the Moon have falling in love with the Sun.. J.Thomas The illuminated dove warned me of what was to come E.Jacks Remember those night? Reading and listening and feeling the truth? It wasnt as scary as it now feels.. Simply because we are farther away. Farther away from heart.. My heart is in la lune. Yes, she fell And I fell with her. I can not escape those orbs.. Nor do I want to. We scroll in circles In orbs of light In rolls of glow In something we can not emit In something we can not define. She sits outside of our scope of memory She has existed as long as the sea And we..are but children Catching fireflies Catching the dream of fetal understanding And so we contemplate At least we are trying trying To dream.. M.Magoski What is toMorrow What is it this Sorrow Agonys Delight cradled by train whistles and firelfies contemplating a tango A sure as the tide Oh, Come Follow Us! Come Follow Come Follow Us J.Thomas And it never ends. The look back. The look forward. The moment of silence. The exhale after a brush with life, The smile amidst like hearted broken peers, Who steers this relation-ship, away from the beginning of an end Strife-jackets aboard All aboard my friends E.Jacks All aboard my friends! This ship has set sail! We know not where we go! But we go forward! We scroll side to side ! We find treasures in the shoals and secrets past the old! Come follow us. Come rise. the sails are billowing! E.Jacks I take my time..I take the signs And leave them where they fall For in trying to follow the rules I have learned the value of breaking them Of saying them just enough.. so as never to repeat them.. Watch the children For they know what is right The night is here The night is long It reveals the soul As sure as the tide As sure as she rises. J.Thomas The peace in Amandas eyes will secure the pathway E.Jacks The peace of rain falling in the morning.. as the moon says goodbye.. Is the saddest time of all The cloudy morning of loss.. slips into a mournful refrain.. and she cries.. I love her peace. Amanda. We all float on. Amanda M.Magoski Floating Away A setting Moon Its beams bathe me for but a moment more I will not wait for the Sun to Rise Ill bid this night farewell for the
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:43:03 +0000

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