MOORS!!! MNAGGAS ..WORLDWIDE!! IVE TOLD YOU, REPEATEDLY, BEFORE ..AND, I SHALL CONTINUE TO TELL YOU THAT WE WERE NEVER DEFEATED. WE WERE DECEIVED, DUPED, & DEFRAUDED OF OUR LAND, OUR LABOR & OUR LAST NAME BCUZ OUR LEADERS TRUSTED THESE SAME LIL DICK MUTHAFAKKKER WHO, NOW, CRACK SICK ASS JOKES ABOUT US!!! FROM 1452 POPE NICHOLAS CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY TO GEORGE WASHINGTON 1787 MOROCCAN TREATY PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP. THIS ARROGANCE WILL CONTINUE, UNLESS/UNTIL WE LEGALLY RECLAIM, RESTORE, & REPOSSESS OUR BIRTHRIGHT ..AL MUREKA/AMERICA, AS MOORS WITH KNOWLEDGE OF OUR STORY INSTEAD OF THE BULLSHIT HIS.STORY THAT WEVE BEEN SPOON FED!!! YADIG?!!? IN THE MEANTIME, PEEP GAME: SECRETS OF AMERICA: THE GREAT AMERICAN ADVENTURE ..Judge Dale, retired [political history, government and law] PART I: A LESSON IN FRAUD: Due to an historic perversion and expert mind programming labeled as, Babylonian Slave Driving Techniques, which has been adopted and employed by the United States Government, few citizens realize that America is not what they perceived it to be: ‘Elephants are gray but not all gray things are elephants!’ This expose’ hopes to reveal to you the Great Adventure and some Secrets of America but not all because there are too many, such as: America is not a free or constitutional country. Factually, it isn’t even a country! America is a privately owned French corporation and its motive of operation, known as politics; government; courts; laws; currency and commerce are merely the bi-products of several greedy, vivid and intellectual imaginations belonging to the Royal and Elite of Europe and controlled with the aid of their foreign agents and slave drivers who act in America under the protection of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. The success of this private corporation relies heavily upon the ability of its slave drivers identified as the chiefs of staff, politicians, bankers, judges, priests and lawyers to convince teachers, policemen, soldiers and the general public of its authenticity. Two major problems exist for this private corporation because everything that the corporate Board of Directors [the European Royal, Elite and Sabbatean Jewish Bankers] decide is always recorded somewhere and is accessible with the advent of new technological advances! Even some of those files marked Top Secret are accessible with a little help from your friends. Ironically, the only secrets’ being concealed within those files is their treason; rogues history and new technological advances being withheld from public view! creoharmony.blogspot/p/great-american-adventure-by-judge-dale.html#.VMAI5ivF_Gw
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:39:06 +0000

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