MOORS OF ATLANTIS ARRIVED 389,000 YEARS AGO- MENTORS FOR TEMPLAR INFLUENCES The Indians in the North Americas have oral history about meeting blacks who dressed strangely seeking trade. The blacks came by navigating ships. (The Black race came to Earth 389,000 years ago, and back then was known as the “Dark People”. If you read the Book Of Enoch you will see the name Asasel, who was an ET that beget his own black linage.) The Moors are all over European history, even in the Royal Houses of Europe. King George 3rd married to one of the Royal Moors connected to the Spainish Royal House. Her name was Charlotte Sophia, who became Queen of England: The Moors: Navigators of the Celestial Ship of the North and Al Khem-Muria “Their dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West Africa, across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South, and Central America and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands; before the great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean.” - Noble Drew Ali The ancient North African/ Proto-Saharan region stores treasure of the Moor’s ancient past when that region of Africa was bountiful with paradise-like scenary, beautiful greenery and colorful plant life. The Atlas Mountains were surrounded by water as suggested by the name Atlas. The “Atl” signifies water in ancient languages (i.e. Nahuatl) which gave rise to bodies of water and place names like Atlantis, Atlan, Atlanti and Atlantic. In connection with what is now called the Saharan Desert, we will find a great link with the ancient cultures that once governed that area and flourished as a high level of civilization. The Sahara (”The Great Desert”) is the world’s largest hot desert and the world’s second largest desert after Antarctica covering over 3,500,000 square miles. It stretches from the Red Sea to the outer bounds of the Atlantic Ocean. The name originally derives from the original Tuareg (Moors) who are known indigenously as the “Imazighen” meaning the “Free Men”. The Taureg are also known as the Blue Men of the Sahara and are identified as the “Fremen” in the Dune novels and movies written by Frank Herbert. The Sahara region has a rich history that veils the ancient technology and advance science possessed by the Moors of the days of old. The spiritual system that was developed by the people of this region was of Primordial Moorish influence. This is evidenced by scientific discoveries that were found around a former lake that existed in North Africa around 9000 to 10,000 years ago. This is further supported by facts that include other Saharan cultures that resemble the cultures of Khem, Nubia and ancient Sudan (Kush). During the olden period, two great bodies of water existed in this area. These aquatic bodies were known in ancient times as the Triton Sea and the Triconis Lake. The Triton Sea is documented in the book entitled, ” The Chotts of Tunis, Or, The Great Inland Sea of North Africa in Ancient Times.” The term Triton is associated with Poseidon, the Trident symbol and the planet Neptune which are all associated with the control and navigation of the sea and also with the esoteric symbology of the fish. Poseidon is identified with Neptune and represents the personification of Atlantis. In mythical lore Neptune was called the grandson of Uranus and became a symbol of Atlantean Spirituality. Astrologically, Neptune is associated with water signs, the feminine side of nature and the Moon. Triton, the son of Poseidon, is represented as a man above the waist and a dolphin below the waist. This symbol was placed into the constellations as the sea-goat: Capricorn. From a geological standpoint, the great and ancient Triton Sea was located in the now Libyan desert as early as 9000 B.C. The prehistoric appearance of a great lake in Libya has recently been supported by satellite images of the Eastern Desert which indicate that a lake was located in the Qattara depression of northwest Egypt. 10,000 years ago rain dense conditions existed in the Saharan region which led to the creation of numerous river beds now buried under sand along with other temple and pyramid structures. Due to the abundance of streams, rivers and lakes in the Primordial Saharan region, men who were knowledgeable about navigation and agriculture and that could harness the powers of water were considered Masters and great Scientists. During this ancient time of Primordial Sahara, these Super Scientists were the grand Asiatic fathers and mothers of Continental Africa, the Americas, Ancient India, and the middle eastern fertile crescent region inhabited by the Phoenicians, Assyrians and the Sumerians. Today we call this Primordial Saharan civilization the “Fertile African Crescent”, because the highland regions formed a crescent shape across the Saharan region of middle Africa. These ancient masters were a seafaring nation and have been called the Atlantides or Altean Serpents of Wisdom. It has been stated that the primordial Moors of Ancient North Africa traded and traveled the great Atlantic when North Africa contained within its borders a large body of water known as the Triton Sea. The Triton Sea is referenced in “The Histories” of Herodotus, this great sea was bordered on the West by the Atlas Mountains and populated by a number of small islands. It has also been noted by occultists that the Moors inhabited several islands and created civilizations on these islands. One particular island was chosen to serve as a base for a mystery university because its three centrally located mountains formed a trident, a classic Moorish symbol which again is hidden in Greek mythology and veiled in stories about Poseidon, his son Atlas and the planet Neptune. The ancient Moors also established ports in other parts of North Africa, but after catastrophic events, the Triton Sea was drained. The Moors later established settlements in various parts of North Africa including the Ahaggar Mountain range of Southern Algeria and the North African lowlands. Today, these regions of the Atlas Mountains and the Ahaggar Mountains contain hidden caverns with treasures of the Atlantean Civilization which have been confirmed and written about by European authors, i.e. L. Taylor Hansen in the book “The Ancient Atlantic.” The ancient Moors further established colonies in and around the present day Tyrrhenian Sea. These people of this region would be later known as the Phoenicians who settled in a region called Canaan as evidenced in the Armana letters which were found in Egypt. Noble Drew Ali reminds us of this connection by first establishing the old Canaanite Temple in New Jersey. The people who lived during this time of High Civilization created a federated system which maintained equal rights and liberties among both women and men. Women created agriculture and men engineered civilization. The evidence of the (sub-conscious) agricultural knowledge can be seen in the braided hair styles (i.e. corn rows) and patterns on African cloth, all representing the science of agriculture. Never-the-less, the term “Ma” appears in the languages spoken by the descendants of Primordial Sahara which denote both “mother earth” and “natal land mass”. The female seafaring Moors were identified with the goddess entity Neith who is strongly associated with stories of Atlantis and also linked to the snake headed goddess Medusa who also is associated with Poseidon. Again, this leads to the planet Neptune, the Sea, the Deluge and the symbology of the fish. The Primordial Saharans claimed descent from the Maa (Mu) Confederation or the Confederation of the Fish. The Maa Confederation included the Egyptians, Dravidians, Manding, Sumerians and Elamites which all later became known as Moors. In honor of the great ancestor: Maa, they worshipped a god called: Amun/ Amon. Amun being the deity representing the flowering life force which is hidden and established in the primordial ocean (waters) of consciousness. In honor of this great deity, the descendants of the Primordial Saharans used the term Ma, to denote greatness or highness, e.g., Manding ” Maga,” Dravidian “Ma” and Gara-Ma-nde (Garamates). Other tribes claimed direct descent from the great Maa, founder of the Confederation of the Fish. For example, the Manding call themselves Ma-nde: children of Ma, while the Sumerians were called Ma-Gar-ri (exalted God’s children). However, the ancient Maa Confederation also finds itself intimately connected to the astrological cosmos as scientists of that time always remained in order and alignment with the times and the heavens. All ancient myths and allegories were created by Asiatics who dealt with the principalities of both Earth and the Cosmos. These Asiatics were highly spiritual and in-tune with forces that created their reality. Thus the creation of meta-physical science which would be veiled in spiritual text as Astro-Theology. The Primordial Saharans shared place names and this is evidenced by discoveries made by Dr. Vamos-Toth Bator. Dr. Vamos-Toth Bator, calls these shared place names of the ancient civilization and root culture: Tamana. The term Tamana can be interpreted in the Elamite, Manding, Magyar and Dravidian languages as “Place of Strength”, “Stronghold” or “Original Settlement”. The term Tamana is found in over 24 countries and is one of over 1,000,000 place names Dr. Vamos-Toth has found which link Africa, Asia, and Europe. The term Tamana, was a popular place name with the Primordial Saharans, as they expanded out of the nucleus of the Saharan region. There also appears to be a connection with the various Primordial Saharans as their writing system was used by Dravidians in the Indus Valley, the Manding in the Western Sahara, and the Egyptians in the Eastern region of the ancient fertile African crescent: Sahara. It has been noted that although the Dravidians, Manding and Sumerians lived in different environments and climates, they used the same terms to denote the earliest elements of civilization. These terms show little phonetic divergence. Moreover, these terms are mutually intelligible. This shows that the speakers of these languages came from a common ancestral language. The early contact between the Dravidians, Manding and Sumerians in the ancient Saharan region led to great resemblances in the area of the cultural vocabulary. This is particularly evident in the affinity between culture terms referring to the Proto- civilization of the speakers of these languages. The Primordial Saharans were great sailors and navigators. They used celestial navigation to make long voyages. The Proto-Saharans also used boats called “kalam.” Many of the long distance voyages made by the Primordial Saharans were made in search of precious metals as they were excellent metal workers. These facts are veiled in Masonic lore about the grand metal workers that developed masonry and the mystery of Tubal-Cain and Pan. All linked to Atlantis and the age of the “Navigators.” Such men were recognized as the great ancestors. For example in Sumeria and Egypt gods were described as “reed-boat navigators”. In Egypt some of these great deities associated with the “reed boats,” “Ship of the North” or the “Ark of Life” included Thoth, Osiris and the great mother Typhon (the celestial waters of the Abyss, the mother of the Beginnings, the Water Horse, the Zodiac). This is supported by both Dravidian and Egyptian traditions and is seen in the symbology on ceiling of the temple of Denderah. In ancient Egyptian tradition Ptah, came from the Sahara below Egypt in Kush. He found Egypt inundated , so he performed great works of dyking and land reclamation so the land was more habitable. The first avatar, Tirumal of the Dravidians is regarded as a fish. Tirumal,is the same as Vishnu of Sanskrit scripture, another name for this god is Mayan and Mal. According to references in the Bhagavata Purana, a fish who is identified with the first sage of Dravidian lore. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the sages of the Dravidians were also called Vellalar “lords of the flood.” These sages earned these titles because of their skill in navigating the floods and in storing water for agricultural purposes. Hence the association to the story of Noah, a great navigator who is also identified as a fish in many Moorish related cultures. It has also been noted in esoteric text that the story of Noah represented the survival of a race from Atlantis and their re-population in Africa and the Americas.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:40:35 +0000

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