MORE BURGLARIES! “The police have continued with their - TopicsExpress


MORE BURGLARIES! “The police have continued with their operation to curtail the recent spate of burglaries across the Island. Between Friday 9th January up to now (as of 1400hrs 19/01/15) A number of burglaries and attempted burglaries have taken place across the island. In more detailed terms, the Central area (Douglas Onchan and outskirts) has had 16 reported incidents, South has had 7, West has had 3 and there has been 1 in the Lonan area, making a total of 27. On Saturday evening shortly after 11pm we were on scene at a burglary in Victoria Road Castletown within minutes of the offender being reported as being disturbed by the occupant. Officers were actually in pursuit and were very close to catching the offender. Unfortunately he has evaded capture in the area of The Abbey, Ballasalla. We believe that during the pursuit, the offender panicked and was trying to find a location to hide out. If you live in that area, please check your outbuildings and sheds for anything untoward, or any sign that something may have been disturbed. We may be able to gather some evidence from anything that is found. There was a heavy presence of police in the area, so we would appeal to anyone who may have seen anything around there that was suspicious, to contact us and let us know. On the same evening, between 6:30pm and 11:40pm a burglary took place in Rhenwyllan Close in Port St Mary whilst the owner was not present. A quantity of jewellery was taken. A further report of burglary was made from another dwelling in the same Close, between 6:30pm on Friday 17th and 5pm Saturday 18th of January, again the occupant was not home and jewellery was taken. We really need to catch these individuals as soon as possible. The public play a big part in being those extra eyes and ears for the patrols that are out there on the ground, and the detectives that are working through the evidence to make sure the case against the offenders is as strong as it can be. Whether it is something that you see happening and you aren’t happy about, or a snippet that you’ve heard about someone being involved, ring us. We will do the rest. It’s important to remember that basic personal security precautions can go a long way to prevent you becoming a victim of crime. Make sure your house looks occupied even when you are out, by using lighting timers for example, and also, get into the habit of locking your doors and windows. We still live in a very safe place. Let’s make it that bit harder for those that want to spoil it!” https://facebook/pages/Isle-of-Man-Constabulary-Media-Page/202507643116915?fref=nf
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:10:20 +0000

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