MORE FEAR MONGERING BY THE GLOBALIST PIGS...IN THEIR EFFORTS TO BILK YOU AS THEY THEMSELVES WITH THEIR PRACTICES POISON THE EARTH FOR PROFIT...YEAH LIKE THESE 2 CLOWNS KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SCIENCE? The dire warnings emerged Tuesday in a comprehensive survey dubbed “Risky Business,” which projected the impact of global warming on the US economy. Chaired by former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the bipartisan study hopes to bridge the political divide over the issue, focus climate change’s economic costs and rally business executives to the cause. THIS ARTICLE JUST REEKS....DEPOPULATION EUGENICS? With up to 52 additional days of “extremely hot” weather by 2050, its estimated that anywhere between 11,000 and 36,000 additional people could die from the heat at current population levels. AND THE OBAMA PUPPET WITH HIS FRAUD CRAP TOO....WHY DO THESE PIGS NOT STOP FRACKING...EMITTING AT MIN 20% METHANE..WHILE DRILLING AND AFTER IN THOSE BURNOFF PIPES YOU SEE...WHY ALLOW THEM TO BURN OIL PERIOD...STOP IT...INSTEAD OF FUND THEM FUND THE PEOPLE AND NONPOLLUTING ENERGIES THE SUPPRESS...WHY NOT QUIT CLEAR CUTTING TREES AND PLANT HEMP..WHICH WOULD HANDLE ALL YOU CO2 HOAX GASES...FUND THE PEOPLE FOR SOLAR AND OTHER OFF THE GRID...THE WAY YOU USED TO BEFORE YOU PULLED THE SUBSIDY PROGRAMS FOR DOING SO...NO...CANT...NOPE BECAUSE YOU MUST ENSLAVE TOO THE 1%....SUSTAINABLE LYING HYPOCRITES..STOP THE CHEMTRAILS AND HAARP WHY...BECAUSE YOU HYPOCRITES SEEK ONLY TO PROFIT AND ENSLAVE...GUISE OF GREEN FRAUDS The report arrives just a few weeks after US President Barack Obama outlined an ambitious plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 30 percent of 2005-era levels by the year 2030. As RT mentioned previously, the Environmental Protection Agency believes its “Clean Power Plan,” which will regulate existing power plants, will reduce emission levels, create jobs and cut household electricity bills by eight percent. In the wake of this most recent study, the Huffington Post noted that White House officials are planning to meet with Paulson and other co-chairs to discuss the economic consequences, as well as opportunities to overcome those risks.” The president’s plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions has been greeted with criticism from Republicans as well as the members of the energy industry, many of whom see its regulations as burdensome and as overreach by the government. The first wave set legal challenges was largely dismissed by the Supreme Court on Monday, which upheld the majority of the Environmental Protection Agency’s mandate to regulate carbon but exempted a select set of institutions. rt/usa/168152-climate-change-cost-report/
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 22:19:39 +0000

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