MORE FINANCIAL WOES ON THE WAY FOR AMERICA? PROBABLY.... On October 7th in a post entitled A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS I mentioned that America was under Gods judgement and that the 2008 Financial Meltdown was another wake-up call for this Nation that did not produce much needed Repentance. I also said that there would be other financial meltdowns coming. Yesterday, Oct. 8th and today Oct.9th, the Dow and the other two majors took a couple of significant dives. Its worth keeping a close eye on America. This mess were in as a Nation cannot be separated from the Spiritual Bankruptcy thats like a Disease here in America...generally speaking. That Disease is starting to take a toll, and apart from Repentance, starting first in the ranks of Church folks, that Disease is going to start spreading out of control and inviting more severe judgements in the process. If you need a physical parable or type as an aid to see what that Spiritual Disease looks like then I give you Ebola that is marching right in lockstep on the physical plain with the Spiritual Disease on the spiritual plain here in America. Its just a bold and physical representation of where we are Spiritually. Amen or Oh Me.....Believe It Or Ignore It....... This Nation is now at the stage of Crisis and is at the tipping point of Judgement so severe that it will be hard to even comprehend.....apart from Repentance Believe What You Will...but my advice is this: The Church especially and other Americans had better get their heads out of the sand and stop Ignoring It !
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:49:17 +0000

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