MORE FOSSIL FOOLISHNESS WITH BP PROPOSING OIL DRILLING IN GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT, ANOTHER GULF OF MEXICO DISASTER? 2015 has started with a flurry as Big Oil’s media machine push with front page headlines like “Race for black gold in the Great Australian Bight”. Perhaps someone should remind them that this area is considered to be one of the most pristine marine environments on earth, a sanctuary recognised internationally for its amazing animals including southern right whales and their calves, blue and humpback whales and Australian sea lions. With BP looking for approval in the next few months to drill the Bight in early 2016, it is important we remember that this is when it all went wrong in the Gulf of Mexico - the worst oil disaster in history, devastating marine life, fisheries, tourism and local communities. Research just published in the scientific journal Nature indicates that to have a 50% chance of avoiding more than 2 degrees Celsius of warming, almost half of the known oil reserves in Australia’s “OECD Pacific” region need to stay in the ground. (This is on top of leaving the Galilee Basin coal in the ground.) 2014 has just been announced as the world’s hottest year on record, and 7 out of Australia’s 10 warmest years have occurred since 2002. Our planet can’t afford this, South Australia can’t afford this…it is just too risky. (From Wilderness Society) Check out the following ABC news report for more detail:
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:26:57 +0000

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