MORE FROM LEATARA SHORT EXCERT FROM BOOK 2: Xcape to RAinmans Territory Enchanted Desires. It began with the all to real dream i had last night. I was in room and the space seemed like such a light atmosphere so close to a mental heaven. on my wall was a projection screen where the many mini pixels images appeared and video began to play. i saw Tahji and a young woman with dark long locs and light brown skin. her smile was bright and to my surprise so was his. it didnt feel as if it was a smile in pain but instead a smile in light a smile in love. They laughed and chased each other and when they kissed it was real. he put her on bed both of them on their knees. his perfectly big textured palm slid smoothly over her waist . he snapped her into position, his lips right on her neck while his right hand moved in tiny circles on the gate locks of her treasure.she could feel the heat from him make a protective blanket over her skin. his heart beat in sync with her own. his key rushing with blood stiffening at her wake. her now glistening wake. he laid her down put her right leg in the air and entered her. what i saw next was not explicit or dirty it was art it was beauty it was love. The anger that was about to swell with in me quickly turned into acceptance. he was happy with a beautiful woman that was not me. The happiness i felt from them was what he needed. he was okay without me he had grown and renewed. he now lived and love he was awakened in passion and comfort. my job was done i had given him the light he needed to find an unlimited source flowing within. I turned off the video and released. My eyes opened and i knew that today something would be different. i went out with my granny to get a lunch and stop by the hair store. i needed a change. i got this virgin bob length hair in a loose wave.i got home and got together with my best friend Quinn. we headed out to the bar and grill called fish bowl. we got the biggest drink and went to work. we ate we laughed me got sentimental as usual and then headed home. I had been texting tony and was in a really good mood.i fell asleep and was awoken around three am by a vibrating phone. i looked at my screen to see ten missed calls from jc. was he hurt? was he drunk? was he bored? as i pressed the call back button i had no clue what the early morning had planned for me and neither did he.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:10:37 +0000

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