MORE NEW AGE MUMBO JUMBO FROM THE TALK SHOW QUEEN HERSELF! There are no mistakes?!? If I stub my toe on the end table in the middle of the night while making a mad dash to the bathroom, was that NOT a mistake, a miscalculation in judgment I made, Oprah? There are no wrong paths?!? If I elect to become a serial killer, then eventually get caught, arrested and incarcerated, and end up on death row, and am ultimately executed in the electric chair thereby ruining my life and the lives of those I murdered along with their bereaved family members and friends, HOW ON EARTH IS THAT NOT THE WRONG PATH, Oprah??? *blank stare* This video clip is a prime example how a well-spoken celebrity can spew out a bunch of malarkey in the name of wisdom, and how the sycophantish masses of non-thinking people can fall for it--hook, line and sinker. People make mistakes and choose wrong paths in life ALL THE TIME. And that is precisely why we have been given the book of Proverbs to show us how to make wise decisions in any given situation so as to AVOID MAKING MISTAKES and choosing wrong paths in life. Listen to the prophet!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:56:14 +0000

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