MORE NINCOMPOOP STUDENTS DOING INCREDIBLY STUPID THINGS Often in these posts I draw a distinction between the mindless left and the serious minded, thinking left, to distinguish between emotional, knee-jerk types who parrot slogans and spew hatred of the US, with those whose commitment to social democracy is the result of a cerebral, analytical process over time. [There is, of course, also a mindless right, but we will leave them for another day]. Most young people, and especially students are alas, in the first category. But seeing this video, I see I have to invent a another category, The Idiot Left, to describe some of these shallow cretins. I guess we should not be entirely surprised considering that many universities are stocked with professors who are embittered ideologues, fanatics or anti-Semites (or all three). One such creature at St. F.X preaches a pro-terrorist line and tells his students that if their papers dont regurgitate his dogma, he will fail them. But there are hundreds like him all over North America and they have tenure. Students at George Washington University (GWU) willingly signed a petition supporting the deportation of one American citizen in exchange for one illegal immigrant. “Please sign our petition for President Obama to deport one American citizen, in exchange for one undocumented immigrant,” read the petition. “Everyone must be allowed a shot at the ‘American Dream.’ Americans should not be greedy. Let us right the wrongs of our past and make another’s dreams come true.” You dont believe it? Then click this link and join me in fervent prayer for the fate of world when these fools will be running things. https://youtube/watch?v=zG49x53mqvo#t=68 [Only ONE, very SHORT kick per person. NO links, attachments. NO foul language. Total editorial discretion reserved]
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:12:53 +0000

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