MORE OF THESE TINY HOUSE PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET A whole rash of them on Youtube, apparently catering to this trend of small homes or else trying to boost demand by making as though it were all the rage. Why else would there be such a deluge of these types of vids right? Sure real estate in developed cities has always been scarce and is only set to become even more costly still. While some super dense cities have always been known for cramped spaces and high prices. So always more of a necessity versus a fad right? Maybe a preference even , but the word housing and fad shouldnt really go hand in hand anyway as far as I can tell. In any case, surely not the worse thing in the world . If you had to trade off some square feet, for accessibility, or mobility or convenience, or whatever. But this whole wave of videos is something else altogether. Always subtly off color , while the people interviewed are also often shown discomfited for unknown reasons, or even slightly apologetic as they play host to these interviewers Maybe its the vibes they give off, who knows, or else they know something that I dont. When did you ever have to apologize for living within your means anyway? Kirsten Dirksens channel is a good example of this kind of mildly off color content, packed with all sorts of inference and insinuations if you ask me. For some reason, these series of vids and the people they feature, remind me of that Harrison Ford movie where he plays a lackadaisical cop who sells real estate on the side. What was the movie called, Hollywood Confidential. Is that a real phenomenon you think, with greater and greater call to reduce size of governments worldwide. Would there be factions who employ certain personalities profiles with such backgrounds. Who may resort to all sorts of tactics and unfair advantageous in the business world? Remember the old TV show Colombo right? With his mastery of every type of 2 bit psychology that he used to catch the bad guys! Imagine if such skills and training were used for pure profit. Business is war after all, as someone once said. Not any kind of war either, but urban, close quarters and often veiled combat right? Not my opinion by any means. In fact, I think what may be wrong with the economy and the marketplace, is we actually have one too many people who think along such lines. But thats just my opinion https://youtube/user/kirstendirksen https://youtube/watch?v=j8n0IjNurtI
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 07:25:02 +0000

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