MORE RESPONSES VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.ALAMOMINISTRIES.COM A FEW RESPONSES: Responses 1-20-15 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God bless you. May God protect you from all evil. We give thanks to my Heavenly father for your soul winning literature. We received the new package. The following is a Testimony about Prakash in Bobbillanka village. Through your literature, last week one young Hindu person accepted Jesus Christ. His name is Prakash. In previous days, he worshiped the monkey god Anjaneya. Now he transformed into Christianity. God has done a good miracle. Please find the snaps. We are praying for you. The Lord will remember you in due time. God bless you. Your brother in Christ, S. R. K. Andhra Pradesh, India I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. God has been grateful on my family and ministry. May the glory and honor be to Him, amen. I would like to inform you that I have received the package you sent and may God bless your ministry and Pastor Alamo who is the founder of the vision. Even though he is passing through many challenges, but the work he has done has brought many people to light. He has opened the blind people to see, bring many members to Jesus, and the spreading of the Gospel throughout the entire world. So what else can we compare him with? I see that we can compare him with Paul the apostle of Jesus Christ. For example, I before had never known about him but through his literature had made me to know him and also changed my life and my ministry at large. Also, I have managed to connect many pastors and their ministries to him. In addition, I could request that you pray for my ministry to get a keyboard/piano. M. K.S. Endebess, Kenya (Translated from French) My dear brother in Christ, I want to thank you forever. The package that you sent to me in December, which contained some CDs has arrived. Only, it has been a problem for me to confirm that I received them because it is sometimes difficult for me to have access to the Internet. Truly, God has sent us a servant to whom He has endowed His spiritual talents to feed those of the end times. I will support Pastor Alamo in prayer, and if you find it good to use me I am otherwise ready to serve God with all my being. God bless Pastor Alamo and his ministry. Yours in Christ, M. K. Bujumbura, Burundi
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:22:53 +0000

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