MORE VIOLENT ANTI-JEWISH RIOTS IN PARIS If I wasnt a lady I would have a few choice words for these_________. And where was the French government and the French police? (certainly no NYPD)? This relentless obsession on the Jewish State and the Jewish people given the mass genocide in Syria, the brutality of Isis, the flagrant and real human rights abuses in Iran, the persecution of Christians throughout the region, the terorrism in Nigeria, etc. etc. is antisemitism in its purest form. Please let me know of anyone at this point has the audacity to say that these innocent people had this coming because they were Jewish -- I am keeping my own list of virulent antisemites. The true facts regarding the so-called :Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the current defensive operation in Gaza have been distorted by much of the media - but regardless of what one views the facts to be -- this behavior toward innocents should be universally condemned in the strongest possible terms and the perpetrators brought to swift justice. If this does not happen - and happen quickly - then we can blame our governments and our diplomats for any other antisemitic violence that occurs. To our brothers and sisters in France. Stay strong. We are with you. We pray for your continued strength, courage and resolve. And a message to the terrorists. We are not in the camps this time. We are not afraid. Your hate and violence makes us stronger - more united - and more determined tha ever. WE STAND TOGETHER WE PRAY AS ONE algemeiner/2014/07/13/violent-anti-jewish-riots-rock-paris-activist-says-french-jews-are-in-serious-danger-video/
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:12:58 +0000

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